Workshop on Modernization of Payment Systems
04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 Hybrid, Mauritius
The global payments landscape is undergoing significant and disruptive change. Countries around the world are modernizing their payment system infrastructure through the use of new standards and technology solutions. This transformative process will assist countries to increase payments processing, introduce more flexibility, and provide an opportunity to update information security processes. However, the proposed enhanced benefits may also introduce additional risk, such as increased fraudulent activity, money laundering and exposure to cyber risk. The workshop aims to provide an understanding of the strategic drivers behind payment modernization, guidance on developing harmonized approaches to oversight standards and to provide a platform to share country experiences and practices.
Workshop on Cross Border Digital Payments
03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 In person, South Africa
Innovations have introduced new forms of digital money that could be adopted for the use of domestic as well as cross border payments. Digital money may be particularly useful for cross border payments, which have been perceived to be expensive, inefficient, and slow. Improving the efficiency in cross border payments is important for many countries as it supports economic growth, international trade, and financial inclusion. The workshop will explore the evolving landscape of cross-border payments in the digital age and areas for improvement. It will analyze the pain points of developing cross-border payments and highlight the regional and international initiatives to address those obstacles in the near-term including improving access to payment systems, interlinking fast payment systems, and expanding and aligning operating hours.
High Level Seminar on Confronting Macro-Critical Corruption
03/10/2025 - 03/13/2025 In person, South Africa
In furtherance of implementation of the 2018 Framework, the Legal Department (“LEG”), in collaboration with the ATI and AFS, will organize a high-level seminar to support continued progress in improving governance and the rule of law. The seminar will also promote constructive exchange and engagement in leading and developing well-governed institutions capable of designing and implementing effective economic governance reforms, effectively addressing macro-critical corruption vulnerabilities, strengthening rule of law and judicial integrity s to adapt to context, resistance to reforms of economic governance and other unpredictable pushbacks based on protection of corrupt rents, including through strengthening rule of law and judicial integrity. The seminar aims to empower around 20 high-level professionals, equitably selected, willing to openly share challenges and promote dialogue about lessons learned and possible change processes. Participants will highlight success stories from the region, discuss various responses, network with colleagues, and benefit from the insights of experienced practitioners and academics. Practical case studies, developed from ongoing or planned reform initiatives that involve the participants, will allow then to deepen their analytical skills, and develop concrete approaches to addressing macro-critical corruption.
Training on Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Framework for MACSRDSF
02/17/2025 - 02/21/2025 In person, Botswana
The training course seeks to strengthen participants’ capacity to use the MAC SRDSF to assess their countries’ vulnerability to sovereign debt-related stress and identify policies to prevent potential stress from materializing in a timely manner. Where public debt related stress has already materialized, the framework can help determine whether the stress can be resolved through a fiscal adjustment and/or additional financing, or if exceptional measures including a debt restructuring are needed. The course will introduce participants to (1) the theoretical foundations of the framework, (2) the SRDSF’s forward-looking analysis of debt and debt service dynamics under a baseline scenario and in the context of plausible macroeconomic and financing shocks, and (3) standardized outputs. Participants will work on exercises and real-life case studies and analyze MAC SRDSF outputs. While the focus of the course is not on mastering the Excel-based Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Analysis (SRDSA) template, participants will be exposed to some of its key features in a guided manner. Upon completion of this training, participants should be able to: (1) Explain the key inputs required to operationalize the SRDSF; (2) understand how standardized outputs of the SRDSA are broadly produced; (3) interpret these standardized outputs including the summary SRDSA table, debt structure charts, realism flags, stress tests, and horizon-based and overall assessments. (4) apply effective concepts, definitions, and techniques for assessing sovereign debt risks (5) exhibit satisfactory knowledge of the MAC SRDSF framework and toolkit.
Workshop on Debt Management and Cash Management
04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 Hybrid, Mauritius
This workshop aims at building capacity on linking cash and debt management, and their interactions with fiscal and monetary policies. The workshop focuses on the importance of cash management considerations during the implementation of debt management strategy, through an ABP and issuance calendar, based on cash flow and cash balance forecasts. In addition, the course will discuss the management of certain contingent liabilities and financing risks, and their implications to cash and debt management strategies. Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
Workshop on Corporate Governance Regulation and Supervision
03/17/2025 - 03/21/2025 In-person, Mauritius
The workshop will familiarize participants with the practical application of corporate governance assessments, covering both off-site and on-site supervision and will cover: The objective is to better equip officials to implement effective supervision of corporate governance in banks.
Workshop on Central Bank Balance Sheet and Policy Solvency
03/10/2025 - 03/14/2025 Hybrid, Location TBC
The workshop will take stock of the current state of central banks balance sheets and policy solvency; consider specific challenges; discuss plans to strengthen financial sustainability and policy solvency of central banks; and outline best practices. The workshop will cover selected specific topics related to central bank balance sheet and policy solvency developments in much more detail, such as: (i) the key components of the central bank balance sheet; (ii) the impact of central bank monetary (and other operations) on central bank balance sheet; (iii) central bank balance sheet and international financial reporting standards; (iv) stress testing of central bank balance sheet (v) central bank balance sheet projection; and (vi) central bank policy solvency.
Seminar on Liability Management Operations
01/20/2025 - 01/24/2025 In person, South Africa
This seminar is intended to broaden sovereign debt managers’ understanding of liability management operations (LMO) as a debt management tool. LMO refers to a broad range of market-based transactions undertaken by sovereign debt managers in the context of debt management strategy to alter the maturity structure of existing government debt portfolio, manage risks inherent in the portfolio, and support the development of the domestic market for government securities. From the perspective of strategic debt management, LMOs could be viewed as facilitators of a smooth implementation of a country’s debt management strategy. For debt managers that built large benchmark issues as part of an effort to promote liquidity in the domestic debt market and/or have outstanding international sovereign bonds, LMOs are an integral part of the toolkit necessary to manage rollover risk. By using LMOs to address large bullet payments in a timely fashion, debt managers can limit roll-over risk, and help government navigate challenging market conditions. Upon completion, participants will have a better understanding of how best to develop and implement LMOs as a debt management tool. as well as the various processes and considerations associated with the use of these tools.
Seminar on Strengthening Medium-Term Fiscal Frameworks
12/09/2024 - 12/13/2024 In person, South Africa
The seminar will cover macro-fiscal forecasting tools and methodologies that work in practice; integration of fiscal objectives in preparing medium-term fiscal frameworks (MTFFs) and medium-term budgetary frameworks; Fiscal Risk Analysis- -Scenario and sensitivity analysis in the face of macroeconomic shocks, and regional experiences on MTFFs and fiscal risks management. On completion of this seminar participants are expected to further improve their knowledge and skill in producing robust MTFFs, prepare credible budgets, and provide specialized support for fiscal policy decisions.
Workshop on Fiscal Risk Management for Lusophone and Francophone Countries
11/04/2024 - 11/08/2024 Hybrid, Mauritius
Participants from the 2023-workshop on fiscal risk management for Lusophone countries organized by AFS in October/November 2023, requested to follow-up with a form of engagement that would enable peer-exchange of knowledge in the matter. In this second workshop, participants will share their countries’ experiences in implementing the recommendations of the 2023 workshop and progress made in developing a fiscal risk management framework. The workshop will also provide training on the use of State-Owned Enterprise-Stress Test Tool and Debt Guarantees and Loans Assessment Tool. It will combine theory and hands-on exercises on fiscal risks.
Workshop on Expenditure Arrears Controls and Management
10/07/2024 - 10/11/2024 In person, Mauritius
The workshop will be interactive, using a combination of presentations and country presentations. It will discuss measures for prevention and management of expenditure arrears. Specifically, the workshop is intended to equip participants with better understanding of the potential impact of arrears, their causes and the importance of monitoring and reporting. The workshop will provide guidance on the different approaches to prevention and management of expenditure arrears.
Seminar on Compliance Risk Management
09/23/2024 - 09/27/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will provide fundamental knowledge on modern CRM good practices. The strategic goal of CRM is to steadily increase the level of voluntary compliance over time by identifying and prioritizing risks and implementing treatments to address the risks. Participants will learn how adopting a systematic approach to CRM supports tax administrations to deliver this core function and achieve overall goals. Upon completion of the training, participants should be able to: The workshop will draw on the latest European Union (EU) guidance as provided in the October 2023 paper “Compliance Risk Management in The Digital Era”
Training on CFAT Tool and TSA Management for SSA Fragile States
09/09/2024 - 09/13/2024 In person, Mauritius
Cash flow forecasting faces several challenges in most economies, but these are especially acute in fragile and low-income states, resulting in accumulation or arrears. To support the work of governments in tackling these challenges and to create cash forecasting capacity, the IMF’s FAD has developed an Excel-based tool (CFAT: Cash Flow Forecasting Analysis Tool) for preparing cash forecasts and supporting the decisions that flow from them. This seminar will provide training on how to use the tool. It will also enable peer learning on Treasury Single Account (TSA) and cash management best practices. Countries who have used CFAT will share their experiences and recommendations to improve CFAT.
Seminar on Cyber Security Regulation and Supervision
07/08/2024 - 07/17/2024 In person, South Africa
The seminar will introduce cyber security regulation and supervision to financial sector supervisors. It will review recent trends in the technology adopted by supervised entities; the evolving threat landscape and their implications for cyber security and financial stability; outline the key elements of cyber security regulations; discuss supervisory approaches and tools; and present key cybersecurity concepts and information sharing, based on international standards and best practices.
Seminar on Monetary Policy Operations and Multiple Currency Practices
05/20/2024 - 05/28/2024 Hybrid, Mauritius
The purpose of the hybrid seminar will be to support the central banks of the region in strengthening their monetary and foreign exchange policies and operations, allow peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences, and provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of participating officials. The seminar will discuss the current state of monetary policy frameworks, monetary policy operations and instruments, foreign exchange operations, reference rate determination, and multiple currency practices.
Regional Forum on Key and Emerging Risks, Governance and Business Model Analysis
05/06/2024 - 04/10/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will cover key and emerging risks and the related regulatory and supervision processes (country specific risks, Climate Risk, Governance, Business Model Analysis, Basel III Liquidity and Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book), through a series of presentations by IMF staff and officials from AFS member countries. The aim will be to share regional experience on emerging and heightened risks, introduce (or refresh knowledge on) topical prudential supervision risks, and to promote peer learning amongst AFS member countries.
TADAT High-Level African Regional Workshop (Anglophone)
04/01/2024 - 04/03/2024 In person, Mauritius
The TADAT is a tool designed to provide an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of key components of a country’s system of tax administration with reference to nine Performance Outcome Areas (POAs). TADAT assessments provide a shared view on the health of a country’s system of tax administration among all stakeholders—country authorities, international and regional organizations, civil society, and capacity development providers. The assessment results show the extent of reform required, and the relative priorities for attention.
Workshop on Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
02/19/2024 - 02/23/2024 In person, Mauritius
Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) play a critical role in maintaining and promoting financial stability in a financial system. The Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) were released by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions in 2012. These international standards aim to enhance the safety and efficiency in payments, clearing, settlement, and recording arrangements, and more broadly, limit systemic risk and foster transparency and financial stability. The course aims to strengthen the oversight capacity and risk management capability of central banks and other relevant regulatory FMIs.
Course on Gender Inequality and Macroeconomics
11/04/2024 - 11/08/2024 In person, Mauritius
This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)/ATI, will highlight the macroeconomic implications of gender inequality, and provide an overview of policy measures to help empower women. The training will discuss trends over time and across countries in gender inequality; stress the importance of closing gender gaps for inclusive and sustainable growth; and analyze policy options in the fiscal, labor, financial, and legal areas to help address gender inequality. The course will include a mix of lectures, workshops, facilitated break-out sessions, homework assignments, and presentations by participants. The goal is to help participants apply the knowledge and skills they will acquire to analyze the key gender-related challenges in their own country and formulate prioritized reform programs. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: understand the links between gender equality and macroeconomics, including in terms of growth, inclusiveness, diversification, and sustainability; use key sources of gender-disaggregated data and relevant toolkits to assess countries’ progress towards gender equality, and the impact of gender equality on macroeconomic performance; discuss key policies and measures to address gender inequality, including appropriate gender-budgeting practices; and formulate prioritized reform programs to address gender inequality in their own country.
Seminar on Fiscal Risk Management for Fiscal Sustainability
10/14/2024 - 10/18/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will focus on how to identify and quantify fiscal risks and how to integrate fiscal risk management into the budgeting process. Upon completion of the course, participants should gain knowledge on:
Seminar on Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics
10/07/2024 - 10/18/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will focus on the conceptual framework of GFS as presented in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 and the conceptual framework of public sector debt statistics as presented in the PSDS: Guide for Compilers and Users. The sessions will include experiences of statistical agencies in the compilation and dissemination of GFS and PSDS. The key objective will be to further enhance the capacity of statistical agencies to improve the data collection, coverage, and timeliness of GFS and PSDS and to ensure consistency with other macroeconomic statistics. The seminar will also assess CD needs on GFS and PSDS in the region.
Workshop on Mirror Data Analysis
09/17/2024 - 09/20/2024 In person, Mauritius
The workshop will explain the importance/relevance of mirror data analysis for customs administrations (including revenue authorities) and how they can adjust the available analytical techniques to best meet their needs, particularly to support the customs risk management function. Based on FAD’s CD experience in developing countries, the workshop will outline the recommended steps to be followed to analyze the data and to operationalize the results.
Course on Climate in Macroeconomic Frameworks
07/22/2024 - 07/26/2024 In person, South Africa
The course –to be delivered, in collaboration with IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD), Research Department, Africa Training Institute (ATI), and the South African Reserve Bank—will help participants to gain knowledge on the IMF’s analysis and tools on climate change. The course will focus on: (i) climate risks and the financial sector; (ii) mitigation policies, with an emphasis on carbon pricing; and (iii) considerations in undertaking adaptation policies.
Seminar on Crypto Assets Outreach
06/05/2024 - 06/07/2024 Hybrid, Mauritius
The seminar will provide a platform for senior policymakers to share experiences across different jurisdictions and an opportunity for bilateral and regional cooperation to ultimately ensure comprehensive, consistent, and coordinated regulatory and supervisory responses. The insights gained from the workshop will feed into ongoing discussions with other international financial institutions and standard setting bodies. The seminar aims to foster and deepen discussions on macro-financial and fiscal policy implications of crypto assets, and particularly policy responses to manage risk from crypto assets. The policy discussions will include legal and regulatory considerations, financial integrity, market integrity, and investor and consumer protection issues. The impact of crypto assets on capital flow measures and capital outflows will be discussed, cross border issues and the challenges for enforcement frameworks. The seminar will cover the challenges and opportunities for data collection and data monitoring and reporting.
Course on Annual Borrowing Plan
05/20/2024 - 05/28/2024 In person, Zimbabwe
This course, to be delivered by AFS, jointly with the World Bank (WB) and Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa, aims at building capacity in developing and implementing a sound medium-term debt management strategy (MTDS), through designing an annual borrowing plan (ABP). Officials will be trained on the joint IMF-WB MTDS analytical tool (MTDS AT), which is useful for identifying the risk exposure embedded in a debt portfolio and analyzing the cost-risk trade-offs of alternative debt management strategies.
TADAT High-Level African Regional Workshop (Anglophone)
04/01/2024 - 04/03/2024 In person, Mauritius
The TADAT is a tool designed to provide an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of key components of a country’s system of tax administration with reference to nine Performance Outcome Areas (POAs). TADAT assessments provide a shared view on the health of a country’s system of tax administration among all stakeholders—country authorities, international and regional organizations, civil society, and capacity development providers. The assessment results show the extent of reform required, and the relative priorities for attention.
TADAT High-Level African Regional Workshop (Lusophone and Francophone)
03/27/2024 - 03/29/2024 In person, Mauritius
The TADAT is a tool designed to provide an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of key components of a country’s system of tax administration with reference to nine Performance Outcome Areas (POAs). TADAT assessments provide a shared view on the health of a country’s system of tax administration among all stakeholders—country authorities, international and regional organizations, civil society, and capacity development providers. The assessment results show the extent of reform required, and the relative priorities for attention.
Workshop on Formulating a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy & A B P
01/29/2024 - 02/09/2024 In person, Nairobi, Kenya
The workshop aims at building capacity in developing and implementing a sound debt management strategy, through designing an annual borrowing plan. Using their country data, participants will be trained on the use of the joint IMF-WB MTDS analytical tool to identify the risk exposure embedded in the government’s existing debt portfolio and analyze the cost-risk trade-offs of potential debt management strategies. The participants will select one debt management strategy to design an annual borrowing plan and auction calendar, utilizing the recently revised ABP Analytical Tool. This course will contribute to improving the capacity of debt managers to develop debt management strategies that explicitly recognize the relative costs and risks involved, and are consistent with maintaining debt sustainability, and can facilitate domestic debt market development.
Workshop on Strengthening the role of Macro Fiscal Units
12/11/2023 - 12/15/2023 In person, South Africa
Key components of the macro-fiscal function include macroeconomic and fiscal modeling, forecasting and debt sustainability analysis; macro-fiscal policy analysis; fiscal risk analysis; and monitoring macroeconomic and fiscal developments. The workshop will provide an interactive platform for Heads of Macro Fiscal Units and Budget in ministries of finance to understand key responsibilities and institutional arrangements necessary for macro-fiscal management. The workshop will also discuss the common implementation challenges being experienced and possible solutions.
Course on Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models (DSGE)
11/13/2023 - 11/24/2023 In person, Mauritius
This course deals with building, using, and interpreting DSGE models. It introduces participants to the models and techniques that policy makers commonly use in analyzing monetary and fiscal issues. The course devotes a large number of lectures to model design and implementation issues and uses case studies relevant to the region to illustrate how these models are applied and how they can contribute to the policymaking process.
Workshop on Policy and Regulatory Matters for Central Bank Digital Currencies
11/06/2023 - 11/10/2023 Hybrid mode, Tanzania
As technology becomes more advanced and user demands change, the means of conducting payments are changing to keep up to society’s need for digitalized financial services. This may prompt central banks to provide additional digital payment alternatives. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) is a new form of central bank money. CBDC (retail) is a widely accessible digital form of fiat money that could be regarded as legal tender. Many central banks are exploring, testing, and designing CBDCs. This workshop aims to provide an overview of CBDC projects; management of CBDC projects; CBDC design features; implications of CBDC for monetary policy transmission, financial stability, financial inclusion and integrity and also consider the policy, legal and regulatory implications of CBDC.
Workshop on Fiscal Risk Management for Lusophone and Francophone Countries
10/30/2023 - 11/03/2023 In Person, Mauritius
This workshop reviews key fiscal risks relating to contingent liabilities with a focus on government loans and guarantees tools which were widely deployed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It will also provide training on FRAT (Fiscal Risk Assessment Tool) and on State Owned Enterprises Health Check Tool (SOE-HCT) to assess and manage fiscal risks from public corporations. It will combine theory and hands-on exercises on fiscal risks.
Workshop on Financial Sector Surveillance
10/02/2023 - 10/06/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
This one-week course introduces participants to key concepts and tools used in the identification and assessment of financial sector vulnerabilities and sources of strength. The course materials provide a basic toolkit to assess financial sector risks and to measure them against existing capital and liquidity buffers in the financial system. The discussions focus on the early identification of unwarranted macro-financial imbalances and the analysis of the transmission of financial distress across institutions, markets, and economic sectors, with the objective of reducing the likelihood and the severity of financial crises. A combination of lectures and hands-on workshops allows participants to apply essential risk assessment techniques.
Webinar on Review of Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (French)
09/12/2023 - 09/12/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
Le Comité de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire a lancé une consultation publique sur les révisions des Principes fondamentaux d’un contrôle bancaire efficace ("Principes fondamentaux"). Ce webinaire s'adressera aux pays membres du CRDC pour a) les sensibiliser à la consultation et les encourager à y réagir ; b) expliquer les changements proposés ; c) discuter des amendements aux Principes fondamentaux qui sont les plus susceptibles d'affecter les pays en termes pratiques et d) encourager une discussion entre pairs sur les nouvelles normes de contrôle bancaire, dont les questions de proportionnalité et d'applicabilité universelle.
Workshop on Working with Basel Core Principles, Covering Broad Content
09/04/2023 - 09/08/2023 In person, Mauritius
Training to AFS member country prudential supervisors on BCP’s, covering broad content and methodology for assessment against BCPs. The 29 BCPs represent the minimum benchmark of international standards for the sound prudential regulation and supervision of banking systems. Many jurisdictions continue to take stock and self-assess the effectiveness of their banking supervision functions, against the BCPs. The workshop will provide training to AFS member country supervisors on the content of the BCPs and the methodology for assessment against them, as well as sharing regional and international experience in conducting both self-assessments on the BCPs and participating in BCP assessments as part of IMF/WB Financial Sector Assessment Programs.
Review of Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision
08/25/2023 - 08/25/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued a public consultation on revisions to the Core Principles for effective banking supervision (“Core Principles"). This webinar will engage with RCDC member countries to a) raise awareness about the consultation and encourage responses; b) explain proposed changes; c) discuss amendments to the Core Principles that are most likely to affect the countries in practical terms; and d) encourage a peer discussion on the new standards for banking supervision, including issues of proportionality and universal applicability. This webinar is designed for officials from banking supervision authorities. There is no limit on the number of attendees, so the event is open to all those interested.
Workshop on Forecasting and Policy Analysis System (FPAS)
08/07/2023 - 08/11/2023 Cape Verde, Hybrid mode
The workshop will take stock of the current state of monetary policy frameworks, foreign exchange and exchange rate policies, foreign exchange markets, and operations. The workshop will cover selected topics related to foreign exchange and exchange rate policies in much more detail, such as: (i) exchange rate regimes; (ii) exchange rate flexibility; (iii) foreign exchange intervention; (iv) transparency and pricing in the foreign exchange market; (v) capital controls and exchange rates; (vi) distortions caused by parallel markets; and (vii) foreign exchange market regulation.
Workshop on Climate Change and Macro-Financial Policies
06/05/2023 - 06/09/2023 South Africa, Hybrid mode
The workshop will focus on the macroeconomic and financial implications of climate change, and the mitigation and adaptation policies needed to deliver on the Paris Agreement and build resilience. The fiscal and financial risks from climate change, and the role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) instruments, and the implications for banking laws would also be discussed. Workshops will focus on the impact of mitigation policies and the macro-fiscal benefits from building resilience, as well as assessing financial sector risks and debt vulnerabilities from climate change. Participating countries would be invited to share their experience in managing climate vulnerabilities and building resilience to foster peer learning.
Course on Financial Development and Financial Inclusion
04/24/2023 - 05/05/2023 Ebene, Mauritius
Webinar on application of GovTech solutions to improve public financial mgt
04/10/2023 - 04/14/2023 Mauritius
Workshop on Price Statistics Fundamentals
02/27/2023 - 03/03/2023 Lesotho
Workshop on African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
11/20/2023 - 11/22/2023 In person, Mauritius
The workshop will bring together representatives from the countries supported by the IMF Regional Capacity Development Center (RCDC) for Southern Africa, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Southern African Customs Union (SACU). The event will focus on the implementation of the AfCFTA and specifically the identification and sharing of good practice. The event will aim to showcase selected implementation programs and to identify common challenges and solutions. FADR2 will look to share with delegates proposals for the provision of ongoing CD support to assist them with the regional implementation of the AfCFTA.
Workshop on Macroeconomics of Climate Change
11/06/2023 - 11/17/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
This course provides an overview of the science and economic costs of climate change, discusses policy options for adaptation and mitigation (including pricing carbon emissions and removing of fossil fuel subsidies), and analyzes challenges and opportunities related to transitioning to greener economic models, including risks to the financial sector and debt sustainability, and options to promote green budgeting and access to climate finance.
Workshop on Local Currency Bond Market Development (LCBM)
10/30/2023 - 11/03/2023 In Person, Mozambique
The training seeks to enhance country officials’ understanding of the building blocks of the LCBM and the associated challenges around their development. The target audience is junior to mid-level officials in domestic debt management and financial markets departments of Ministries of Finance and Central Banks.
Workshop on Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA)
10/18/2023 - 10/20/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
The workshop will be focused mainly on: (i) key principles of a sound ELA framework; (ii) operational considerations to implement such a framework; and (iii) central banks’ experiences with ELA. Selected individual countries will present their country experiences as well. In addition, the workshop will provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, as well as guidance on future technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE, AFS and AFW2 capacity development work plans.
Webinar on Review of Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (English)
09/13/2023 - 09/13/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
This webinar will engage with RCDC member countries to a) raise awareness about the consultation and encourage responses; b) explain proposed changes; c) discuss amendments to the Core Principles that are most likely to affect the countries in practical terms; and d) encourage a peer discussion on the new standards for banking supervision, including issues of proportionality and universal applicability. This webinar is designed for officials from banking supervision authorities. There is no limit on the number of attendees, so the event is open to all those interested. To get the most from the webinar, participants are encouraged to join for the entire duration. The webinar will be conducted in English.
Workshop on Fiscal Risk Management for Sovereign Guarantees
09/04/2023 - 09/08/2023 In person, South Africa
This workshop reviews key fiscal risks relating to contingent liabilities with a focus on government loan and guarantee programs which were widely deployed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It will also provide training on loan tools to assess and manage fiscal risks. It will combine theory and hands-on exercises on fiscal risks and debt sustainability.
Webinar on Fiscal Data Governance
09/04/2023 - 09/08/2023 In person, Mauritius
The workshop addresses the need for better fiscal data governance (FDG) practices to improve fiscal data quality in the PFM digital solutions. It will present the latest FDG concepts, approaches, trends, legal aspects, links with budget transparency, data interoperability and data security. It will provide a platform for the AFS member countries to explore the benefits of enhanced FDG practices to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of PFM processes. Participants will be encouraged to share their countries experiences and feedback on the FDG practices.
Training on the Completion of the International survey on Revenue Administration
08/14/2023 - 08/18/2023 In person, Mauritius
ISORA collects data on tax administration from administrations around the world using questions and definitions agreed by four international organizations: the Inter-American Center of Tax Administration (CIAT); the International Monetary Fund (IMF); the Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA); and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Past ISORA data are available on the ISORA portal for use by tax administrations – please refer to RA-FIT Data 2021 - Standard Tables - ISORA (
Workshop on Foreign Exchange Policy and Operations
07/24/2023 - 07/28/2023 Ethiopia, Hybrid mode
The workshop will take stock of the current state of monetary policy frameworks, foreign exchange and exchange rate policies, foreign exchange markets, and operations. The workshop will cover selected topics related to foreign exchange and exchange rate policies in much more detail, such as: (i) exchange rate regimes; (ii) exchange rate flexibility; (iii) foreign exchange intervention; (iv) transparency and pricing in the foreign exchange market; (v) capital controls and exchange rates; (vi) distortions caused by parallel markets; and (vii) foreign exchange market regulation.
Workshop on Managing Sovereign Debt Portfolios in Adverse Market Conditions
05/15/2023 - 05/19/2023 Mauritius
The workshop aims to provide a platform for sovereign debt managers in the two regions to share experiences and understand the implications of rising inflation, tightening global financing conditions and a stronger US dollar on sovereign debt portfolios and the implementation of medium-term debt management strategies. Experts will explore areas in which sovereign debt managers may need to consider in their response to adverse market conditions. These include exploring alternative financing mechanisms, debt restructuring options, recalibrating debt management strategies, and strengthening investor relations and debt transparency. The objective is to support sovereign debt managers’ efforts to manage cost and risks arising from the adverse market conditions, while ensuring governments’ financing needs and payment obligations continue to be met.
Seminar on Repo Market Development
04/11/2023 - 04/14/2023 South Africa
Workshop on Improving Fiscal Transparency & Accountability in the public sector
03/07/2023 - 03/10/2023 Mauritius
Seminar on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
12/05/2022 - 12/08/2022 South Africa
Webinar on Fiscal Risks Management For Sovereign Guarantees
11/14/2022 - 11/18/2022 South Africa
Course on Central Bank Digital Currencies (OT22.314)
11/07/2022 - 11/11/2022 Ebene, Mauritius
Training on International Financial Reporting Standards 17 (IFRS 17)
10/24/2022 - 11/04/2022 Zoom online Platform
Webinar on Corporate Governance
09/26/2022 - 09/30/2022 Zoom Platform
Webinar on Compiling Producer Price Indices (PPIS)
06/27/2022 - 07/01/2022 Zoom Platform
Webinar on Modernizing Central Bank Communication
06/20/2022 - 06/22/2022 Zoom Online Platform
High-Level Conference: Modernizing Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
02/28/2022 - 03/02/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Cyber Risk
02/21/2022 - 02/25/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on the Experience with FPAS in Africa
01/10/2022 - 01/14/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Analytical Skills for National Accounts
11/21/2022 - 11/25/2022 South Africa
Webinar on Modernization of MPO Frameworks and FMD
11/14/2022 - 11/18/2022 Zoom online Platform
Webinar on Digital Money: Balancing Innovation and Regulation for a new Frontier
10/24/2022 - 10/28/2022 Johannesburg, South Africa
Webinar on Climate Risk Analysis
10/03/2022 - 10/03/2022 Zoom Platform
Course on Nowcasting
09/19/2022 - 09/30/2022 Zoom Platform
Webinar on Cyber Risk Supervision
06/27/2022 - 07/01/2022 In Person, Hennessy Park Hotel, Ebene , Mauritius
Webinar on Fundamentals of Sound Central Bank Communication
06/13/2022 - 06/15/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries (MRC)
02/21/2022 - 03/04/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Regulation of Fintech
01/27/2022 - 01/28/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Basics of National Accounts for Beginners
12/06/2021 - 12/10/2021 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Fiscal Risks Management in Low and Middle Income Countries
09/06/2021 - 09/15/2021 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Modern Tax Audit Management Principles
05/21/2021 - 07/02/2021 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Fiscal Risks Management in Low and Middle Income Countries
11/08/2021 - 11/12/2021 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Modern Tax Audit Management Principles
08/16/2021 - 08/27/2021 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Unwinding Covid-19 Policy Interventions for Banking Systems
05/18/2021 - 05/18/2021 Zoom Online Platform
07/27/2020 - 07/31/2020 WebEx Online Platform
07/15/2020 - 07/15/2020 WebEx Online Platform
06/17/2020 - 06/17/2020 WebEx Online Platform
05/12/2020 - 05/12/2020 WebEx Online Platform
04/28/2020 - 05/04/2020 WebEx Online Platform
01/27/2020 - 01/31/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
07/22/2020 - 07/22/2020 WebEx Online Platform
07/01/2020 - 07/01/2020 WebEx Online Platform
05/19/2020 - 05/22/2020 WebEx Online Platform
05/08/2020 - 05/08/2020 WebEx Online Platform
02/10/2020 - 02/14/2019 Gaborone, Botswana
01/13/2020 - 01/17/2019 Livingstone, Zambia
12/10/2019 - 12/13/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
10/14/2019 - 10/18/2019 Pretoria, South Africa
09/23/2019 - 09/25/2019 Cape Town, South Africa
Monetary Policy Implementation and Financial Market Development
08/26/2019 - 08/30/2019 SARB Academy, Pretoria, South Africa
Customized Training Course for Comoros and Madagascar on Auditing
08/05/2019 - 08/16/2019 Hotel Colbert-Antananarivo, Madagascar
Fintech: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks to the Financial System
03/19/2019 - 03/21/2019 Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
Compilation of Export and Import Price Indices
02/18/2019 - 02/22/2019 Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
Moving Towards International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
01/21/2019 - 01/25/2019 Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
12/09/2019 - 12/13/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
10/07/2019 - 10/11/2019 South Africa
09/23/2019 - 09/27/2019 Pretoria, South Africa
IFRS 9- Implementation Issues
08/19/2019 - 08/23/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
Macroeconomic Training- Financial Development and Financial Inclusion
06/17/2019 - 06/28/2019 Africa Training Institute, Ebene, Mauritius
Gestion macroéconomique dans les pays riches en ressources naturelles (MRC)
03/11/2019 - 03/22/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
Advanced Rulings for Classification Purposes, Origin and Valuation
01/28/2019 - 02/01/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
Mainstreaming National Accounts and Balance of Payment Statistics
12/03/2018 - 12/07/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
Orientation Programme for newly recruited Central Bank Officers
10/22/2018 - 10/26/2018 Bank of Mauritius, Port Louis
Medium-Term Fiscal Frameworks and Fiscal Risks
09/10/2018 - 09/14/2018 Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa
Impact of Basel III Reforms in Implementation of Basel II/III in EMDEs
07/16/2018 - 07/20/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS)
03/19/2018 - 03/23/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
International Survey on Revenue Administration (ISORA) and Managing Performance
03/12/2018 - 03/16/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
Compiling Producer Price Indices
02/19/2018 - 02/23/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
Model Based Policy Analysis and Forecasting
11/05/2018 - 11/16/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
Crisis Management and Crisis Resolution
10/15/2018 - 10/19/2018 SARB Academy, Pretoria, South Africa
Strengthening the Administration and Control of Excise
09/03/2018 - 09/07/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
Foreign Exchange Market Simulation for Central Banks
06/25/2018 - 06/29/2018 Johannesburg, South Africa
Leading a Revenue Administration
03/19/2018 - 03/23/2018 Zambia
Fiscal Policy Analysis
02/26/2018 - 03/09/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
Managing Macroeconomic Statistics
02/01/2018 - 02/02/2018 South Africa
Compilation of National Accounts
12/04/2017 - 12/08/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
Macroprudential Approach to Supervision and Managing Systemic Risk
10/30/2017 - 11/03/2017 SARB Academy,Pretoria,South Africa
Intelligence and Investigation in Customs
09/25/2017 - 10/06/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
Modernizing the Legal Framework in Compliance with the CPSS-IOSCO Principles ...
11/27/2017 - 12/01/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
Prevention and Management of Government Expenditure Arrears: Theory & Practices
10/30/2017 - 11/03/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
Workshop on Modernization of Payment Systems
04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 Hybrid, Mauritius
The global payments landscape is undergoing significant and disruptive change. Countries around the world are modernizing their payment system infrastructure through the use of new standards and technology solutions. This transformative process will assist countries to increase payments processing, introduce more flexibility, and provide an opportunity to update information security processes. However, the proposed enhanced benefits may also introduce additional risk, such as increased fraudulent activity, money laundering and exposure to cyber risk. The workshop aims to provide an understanding of the strategic drivers behind payment modernization, guidance on developing harmonized approaches to oversight standards and to provide a platform to share country experiences and practices.
Workshop on Debt Management and Cash Management
04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 Hybrid, Mauritius
This workshop aims at building capacity on linking cash and debt management, and their interactions with fiscal and monetary policies. The workshop focuses on the importance of cash management considerations during the implementation of debt management strategy, through an ABP and issuance calendar, based on cash flow and cash balance forecasts. In addition, the course will discuss the management of certain contingent liabilities and financing risks, and their implications to cash and debt management strategies.
Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
- describe the linkage between debt and cash management.
- explain the importance of managing the government's cash and debt as an integrated portfolio.
- understand how to better manage contingent liabilities and associated risks and their significance for cash and debt management.
- describe the importance of sending consistent signals to the market regarding the government's financial management strategy.
Workshop on Cross Border Digital Payments
03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 In person, South Africa
Innovations have introduced new forms of digital money that could be adopted for the use of domestic as well as cross border payments. Digital money may be particularly useful for cross border payments, which have been perceived to be expensive, inefficient, and slow. Improving the efficiency in cross border payments is important for many countries as it supports economic growth, international trade, and financial inclusion. The workshop will explore the evolving landscape of cross-border payments in the digital age and areas for improvement. It will analyze the pain points of developing cross-border payments and highlight the regional and international initiatives to address those obstacles in the near-term including improving access to payment systems, interlinking fast payment systems, and expanding and aligning operating hours.
Workshop on Corporate Governance Regulation and Supervision
03/17/2025 - 03/21/2025 In-person, Mauritius
The workshop will familiarize participants with the practical application of corporate governance assessments, covering both off-site and on-site supervision and will cover:
- strengthening corporate governance in banks – role, structure, and competency of boards role of executives.
- transparency and promotion of sound corporate and risk culture.
- supervisory practices in evaluating governance structure, functioning and adherence to fit and proper requirements.
- case studies.
The objective is to better equip officials to implement effective supervision of corporate governance in banks.
High Level Seminar on Confronting Macro-Critical Corruption
03/10/2025 - 03/13/2025 In person, South Africa
In furtherance of implementation of the 2018 Framework, the Legal Department (“LEG”), in collaboration with the ATI and AFS, will organize a high-level seminar to support continued progress in improving governance and the rule of law. The seminar will also promote constructive exchange and engagement in leading and developing well-governed institutions capable of designing and implementing effective economic governance reforms, effectively addressing macro-critical corruption vulnerabilities, strengthening rule of law and judicial integrity s to adapt to context, resistance to reforms of economic governance and other unpredictable pushbacks based on protection of corrupt rents, including through strengthening rule of law and judicial integrity.
The seminar aims to empower around 20 high-level professionals, equitably selected, willing to openly share challenges and promote dialogue about lessons learned and possible change processes. Participants will highlight success stories from the region, discuss various responses, network with colleagues, and benefit from the insights of experienced practitioners and academics. Practical case studies, developed from ongoing or planned reform initiatives that involve the participants, will allow then to deepen their analytical skills, and develop concrete approaches to addressing macro-critical corruption.
Workshop on Central Bank Balance Sheet and Policy Solvency
03/10/2025 - 03/14/2025 Hybrid, Location TBC
The workshop will take stock of the current state of central banks balance sheets and policy solvency; consider specific challenges; discuss plans to strengthen financial sustainability and policy solvency of central banks; and outline best practices. The workshop will cover selected specific topics related to central bank balance sheet and policy solvency developments in much more detail, such as: (i) the key components of the central bank balance sheet; (ii) the impact of central bank monetary (and other operations) on central bank balance sheet; (iii) central bank balance sheet and international financial reporting standards; (iv) stress testing of central bank balance sheet (v) central bank balance sheet projection; and (vi) central bank policy solvency.
Training on Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Framework for MACSRDSF
02/17/2025 - 02/21/2025 In person, Botswana
The training course seeks to strengthen participants’ capacity to use the MAC SRDSF to assess their countries’ vulnerability to sovereign debt-related stress and identify policies to prevent potential stress from materializing in a timely manner. Where public debt related stress has already materialized, the framework can help determine whether the stress can be resolved through a fiscal adjustment and/or additional financing, or if exceptional measures including a debt restructuring are needed.
The course will introduce participants to (1) the theoretical foundations of the framework, (2) the SRDSF’s forward-looking analysis of debt and debt service dynamics under a baseline scenario and in the context of plausible macroeconomic and financing shocks, and (3) standardized outputs. Participants will work on exercises and real-life case studies and analyze MAC SRDSF outputs. While the focus of the course is not on mastering the Excel-based Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Analysis (SRDSA) template, participants will be exposed to some of its key features in a guided manner.
Upon completion of this training, participants should be able to: (1) Explain the key inputs required to operationalize the SRDSF; (2) understand how standardized outputs of the SRDSA are broadly produced; (3) interpret these standardized outputs including the summary SRDSA table, debt structure charts, realism flags, stress tests, and horizon-based and overall assessments. (4) apply effective concepts, definitions, and techniques for assessing sovereign debt risks (5) exhibit satisfactory knowledge of the MAC SRDSF framework and toolkit.
Seminar on Liability Management Operations
01/20/2025 - 01/24/2025 In person, South Africa
This seminar is intended to broaden sovereign debt managers’ understanding of liability management operations (LMO) as a debt management tool. LMO refers to a broad range of market-based transactions undertaken by sovereign debt managers in the context of debt management strategy to alter the maturity structure of existing government debt portfolio, manage risks inherent in the portfolio, and support the development of the domestic market for government securities. From the perspective of strategic debt management, LMOs could be viewed as facilitators of a smooth implementation of a country’s debt management strategy. For debt managers that built large benchmark issues as part of an effort to promote liquidity in the domestic debt market and/or have outstanding international sovereign bonds, LMOs are an integral part of the toolkit necessary to manage rollover risk. By using LMOs to address large bullet payments in a timely fashion, debt managers can limit roll-over risk, and help government navigate challenging market conditions. Upon completion, participants will have a better understanding of how best to develop and implement LMOs as a debt management tool. as well as the various processes and considerations associated with the use of these tools.
Seminar on Strengthening Medium-Term Fiscal Frameworks
12/09/2024 - 12/13/2024 In person, South Africa
The seminar will cover macro-fiscal forecasting tools and methodologies that work in practice; integration of fiscal objectives in preparing medium-term fiscal frameworks (MTFFs) and medium-term budgetary frameworks; Fiscal Risk Analysis- -Scenario and sensitivity analysis in the face of macroeconomic shocks, and regional experiences on MTFFs and fiscal risks management. On completion of this seminar participants are expected to further improve their knowledge and skill in producing robust MTFFs, prepare credible budgets, and provide specialized support for fiscal policy decisions.
Course on Gender Inequality and Macroeconomics
11/04/2024 - 11/08/2024 In person, Mauritius
This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)/ATI, will highlight the macroeconomic implications of gender inequality, and provide an overview of policy measures to help empower women. The training will discuss trends over time and across countries in gender inequality; stress the importance of closing gender gaps for inclusive and sustainable growth; and analyze policy options in the fiscal, labor, financial, and legal areas to help address gender inequality. The course will include a mix of lectures, workshops, facilitated break-out sessions, homework assignments, and presentations by participants. The goal is to help participants apply the knowledge and skills they will acquire to analyze the key gender-related challenges in their own country and formulate prioritized reform programs. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: understand the links between gender equality and macroeconomics, including in terms of growth, inclusiveness, diversification, and sustainability; use key sources of gender-disaggregated data and relevant toolkits to assess countries’ progress towards gender equality, and the impact of gender equality on macroeconomic performance; discuss key policies and measures to address gender inequality, including appropriate gender-budgeting practices; and formulate prioritized reform programs to address gender inequality in their own country.
Workshop on Fiscal Risk Management for Lusophone and Francophone Countries
11/04/2024 - 11/08/2024 Hybrid, Mauritius
Participants from the 2023-workshop on fiscal risk management for Lusophone countries organized by AFS in October/November 2023, requested to follow-up with a form of engagement that would enable peer-exchange of knowledge in the matter. In this second workshop, participants will share their countries’ experiences in implementing the recommendations of the 2023 workshop and progress made in developing a fiscal risk management framework. The workshop will also provide training on the use of State-Owned Enterprise-Stress Test Tool and Debt Guarantees and Loans Assessment Tool. It will combine theory and hands-on exercises on fiscal risks.
Seminar on Fiscal Risk Management for Fiscal Sustainability
10/14/2024 - 10/18/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will focus on how to identify and quantify fiscal risks and how to integrate fiscal risk management into the budgeting process. Upon completion of the course, participants should gain knowledge on:
- identifying and quantifying different fiscal risks.
- describing the fiscal risk management toolkit and developing mitigation strategies.
- integrating fiscal risk management into the budgeting process.
- good fiscal risk reporting and disclosure practices.
- institutional arrangements that promote effective fiscal risk management.
Workshop on Expenditure Arrears Controls and Management
10/07/2024 - 10/11/2024 In person, Mauritius
The workshop will be interactive, using a combination of presentations and country presentations. It will discuss measures for prevention and management of expenditure arrears. Specifically, the workshop is intended to equip participants with better understanding of the potential impact of arrears, their causes and the importance of monitoring and reporting. The workshop will provide guidance on the different approaches to prevention and management of expenditure arrears.
Seminar on Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics
10/07/2024 - 10/18/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will focus on the conceptual framework of GFS as presented in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 and the conceptual framework of public sector debt statistics as presented in the PSDS: Guide for Compilers and Users. The sessions will include experiences of statistical agencies in the compilation and dissemination of GFS and PSDS. The key objective will be to further enhance the capacity of statistical agencies to improve the data collection, coverage, and timeliness of GFS and PSDS and to ensure consistency with other macroeconomic statistics. The seminar will also assess CD needs on GFS and PSDS in the region.
Seminar on Compliance Risk Management
09/23/2024 - 09/27/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will provide fundamental knowledge on modern CRM good practices. The strategic goal of CRM is to steadily increase the level of voluntary compliance over time by identifying and prioritizing risks and implementing treatments to address the risks. Participants will learn how adopting a systematic approach to CRM supports tax administrations to deliver this core function and achieve overall goals. Upon completion of the training, participants should be able to:
- define the concept of CRM and its benefits for tax administrations.
- delineate the strategic role of CRM.
- outline the CRM framework, its inputs, and outputs.
- describe the CRM process.
- determine the necessary organizational and governance arrangements.
- identify critical success factors of CRM.
The workshop will draw on the latest European Union (EU) guidance as provided in the October 2023 paper “Compliance Risk Management in The Digital Era”
Workshop on Mirror Data Analysis
09/17/2024 - 09/20/2024 In person, Mauritius
The workshop will explain the importance/relevance of mirror data analysis for customs administrations (including revenue authorities) and how they can adjust the available analytical techniques to best meet their needs, particularly to support the customs risk management function. Based on FAD’s CD experience in developing countries, the workshop will outline the recommended steps to be followed to analyze the data and to operationalize the results.
Training on CFAT Tool and TSA Management for SSA Fragile States
09/09/2024 - 09/13/2024 In person, Mauritius
Cash flow forecasting faces several challenges in most economies, but these are especially acute in fragile and low-income states, resulting in accumulation or arrears. To support the work of governments in tackling these challenges and to create cash forecasting capacity, the IMF’s FAD has developed an Excel-based tool (CFAT: Cash Flow Forecasting Analysis Tool) for preparing cash forecasts and supporting the decisions that flow from them. This seminar will provide training on how to use the tool. It will also enable peer learning on Treasury Single Account (TSA) and cash management best practices. Countries who have used CFAT will share their experiences and recommendations to improve CFAT.
Course on Climate in Macroeconomic Frameworks
07/22/2024 - 07/26/2024 In person, South Africa
The course –to be delivered, in collaboration with IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD), Research Department, Africa Training Institute (ATI), and the South African Reserve Bank—will help participants to gain knowledge on the IMF’s analysis and tools on climate change. The course will focus on: (i) climate risks and the financial sector; (ii) mitigation policies, with an emphasis on carbon pricing; and (iii) considerations in undertaking adaptation policies.
Seminar on Cyber Security Regulation and Supervision
07/08/2024 - 07/17/2024 In person, South Africa
The seminar will introduce cyber security regulation and supervision to financial sector supervisors. It will review recent trends in the technology adopted by supervised entities; the evolving threat landscape and their implications for cyber security and financial stability; outline the key elements of cyber security regulations; discuss supervisory approaches and tools; and present key cybersecurity concepts and information sharing, based on international standards and best practices.
Seminar on Crypto Assets Outreach
06/05/2024 - 06/07/2024 Hybrid, Mauritius
The seminar will provide a platform for senior policymakers to share experiences across different jurisdictions and an opportunity for bilateral and regional cooperation to ultimately ensure comprehensive, consistent, and coordinated regulatory and supervisory responses. The insights gained from the workshop will feed into ongoing discussions with other international financial institutions and standard setting bodies. The seminar aims to foster and deepen discussions on macro-financial and fiscal policy implications of crypto assets, and particularly policy responses to manage risk from crypto assets. The policy discussions will include legal and regulatory considerations, financial integrity, market integrity, and investor and consumer protection issues. The impact of crypto assets on capital flow measures and capital outflows will be discussed, cross border issues and the challenges for enforcement frameworks. The seminar will cover the challenges and opportunities for data collection and data monitoring and reporting.
Seminar on Monetary Policy Operations and Multiple Currency Practices
05/20/2024 - 05/28/2024 Hybrid, Mauritius
The purpose of the hybrid seminar will be to support the central banks of the region in strengthening their monetary and foreign exchange policies and operations, allow peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences, and provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of participating officials. The seminar will discuss the current state of monetary policy frameworks, monetary policy operations and instruments, foreign exchange operations, reference rate determination, and multiple currency practices.
Course on Annual Borrowing Plan
05/20/2024 - 05/28/2024 In person, Zimbabwe
This course, to be delivered by AFS, jointly with the World Bank (WB) and Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa, aims at building capacity in developing and implementing a sound medium-term debt management strategy (MTDS), through designing an annual borrowing plan (ABP). Officials will be trained on the joint IMF-WB MTDS analytical tool (MTDS AT), which is useful for identifying the risk exposure embedded in a debt portfolio and analyzing the cost-risk trade-offs of alternative debt management strategies.
Regional Forum on Key and Emerging Risks, Governance and Business Model Analysis
05/06/2024 - 04/10/2024 In person, Mauritius
The seminar will cover key and emerging risks and the related regulatory and supervision processes (country specific risks, Climate Risk, Governance, Business Model Analysis, Basel III Liquidity and Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book), through a series of presentations by IMF staff and officials from AFS member countries. The aim will be to share regional experience on emerging and heightened risks, introduce (or refresh knowledge on) topical prudential supervision risks, and to promote peer learning amongst AFS member countries.
TADAT High-Level African Regional Workshop (Anglophone)
04/01/2024 - 04/03/2024 In person, Mauritius
The TADAT is a tool designed to provide an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of key components of a country’s system of tax administration with reference to nine Performance Outcome Areas (POAs). TADAT assessments provide a shared view on the health of a country’s system of tax administration among all stakeholders—country authorities, international and regional organizations, civil society, and capacity development providers. The assessment results show the extent of reform required, and the relative priorities for attention.
TADAT High-Level African Regional Workshop (Anglophone)
04/01/2024 - 04/03/2024 In person, Mauritius
The TADAT is a tool designed to provide an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of key components of a country’s system of tax administration with reference to nine Performance Outcome Areas (POAs). TADAT assessments provide a shared view on the health of a country’s system of tax administration among all stakeholders—country authorities, international and regional organizations, civil society, and capacity development providers. The assessment results show the extent of reform required, and the relative priorities for attention.
TADAT High-Level African Regional Workshop (Lusophone and Francophone)
03/27/2024 - 03/29/2024 In person, Mauritius
The TADAT is a tool designed to provide an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of key components of a country’s system of tax administration with reference to nine Performance Outcome Areas (POAs). TADAT assessments provide a shared view on the health of a country’s system of tax administration among all stakeholders—country authorities, international and regional organizations, civil society, and capacity development providers. The assessment results show the extent of reform required, and the relative priorities for attention.
Workshop on Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
02/19/2024 - 02/23/2024 In person, Mauritius
Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) play a critical role in maintaining and promoting financial stability in a financial system. The Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) were released by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions in 2012. These international standards aim to enhance the safety and efficiency in payments, clearing, settlement, and recording arrangements, and more broadly, limit systemic risk and foster transparency and financial stability. The course aims to strengthen the oversight capacity and risk management capability of central banks and other relevant regulatory FMIs.
Workshop on Formulating a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy & A B P
01/29/2024 - 02/09/2024 In person, Nairobi, Kenya
The workshop aims at building capacity in developing and implementing a sound debt management strategy, through designing an annual borrowing plan. Using their country data, participants will be trained on the use of the joint IMF-WB MTDS analytical tool to identify the risk exposure embedded in the government’s existing debt portfolio and analyze the cost-risk trade-offs of potential debt management strategies.
The participants will select one debt management strategy to design an annual borrowing plan and auction calendar, utilizing the recently revised ABP Analytical Tool. This course will contribute to improving the capacity of debt managers to develop debt management strategies that explicitly recognize the relative costs and risks involved, and are consistent with maintaining debt sustainability, and can facilitate domestic debt market development.
Workshop on Strengthening the role of Macro Fiscal Units
12/11/2023 - 12/15/2023 In person, South Africa
Key components of the macro-fiscal function include macroeconomic and fiscal modeling, forecasting and debt sustainability analysis; macro-fiscal policy analysis; fiscal risk analysis; and monitoring macroeconomic and fiscal developments. The workshop will provide an interactive platform for Heads of Macro Fiscal Units and Budget in ministries of finance to understand key responsibilities and institutional arrangements necessary for macro-fiscal management. The workshop will also discuss the common implementation challenges being experienced and possible solutions.
Workshop on African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
11/20/2023 - 11/22/2023 In person, Mauritius
The workshop will bring together representatives from the countries supported by the IMF Regional Capacity Development Center (RCDC) for Southern Africa, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Southern African Customs Union (SACU). The event will focus on the implementation of the AfCFTA and specifically the identification and sharing of good practice. The event will aim to showcase selected implementation programs and to identify common challenges and solutions. FADR2 will look to share with delegates proposals for the provision of ongoing CD support to assist them with the regional implementation of the AfCFTA.
Course on Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models (DSGE)
11/13/2023 - 11/24/2023 In person, Mauritius
This course deals with building, using, and interpreting DSGE models. It introduces participants to the models and techniques that policy makers commonly use in analyzing monetary and fiscal issues. The course devotes a large number of lectures to model design and implementation issues and uses case studies relevant to the region to illustrate how these models are applied and how they can contribute to the policymaking process.
Workshop on Macroeconomics of Climate Change
11/06/2023 - 11/17/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
This course provides an overview of the science and economic costs of climate change, discusses policy options for adaptation and mitigation (including pricing carbon emissions and removing of fossil fuel subsidies), and analyzes challenges and opportunities related to transitioning to greener economic models, including risks to the financial sector and debt sustainability, and options to promote green budgeting and access to climate finance.
Workshop on Policy and Regulatory Matters for Central Bank Digital Currencies
11/06/2023 - 11/10/2023 Hybrid mode, Tanzania
As technology becomes more advanced and user demands change, the means of conducting payments are changing to keep up to society’s need for digitalized financial services. This may prompt central banks to provide additional digital payment alternatives. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) is a new form of central bank money. CBDC (retail) is a widely accessible digital form of fiat money that could be regarded as legal tender. Many central banks are exploring, testing, and designing CBDCs. This workshop aims to provide an overview of CBDC projects; management of CBDC projects; CBDC design features; implications of CBDC for monetary policy transmission, financial stability, financial inclusion and integrity and also consider the policy, legal and regulatory implications of CBDC.
Workshop on Local Currency Bond Market Development (LCBM)
10/30/2023 - 11/03/2023 In Person, Mozambique
The training seeks to enhance country officials’ understanding of the building blocks of the LCBM and the associated challenges around their development. The target audience is junior to mid-level officials in domestic debt management and financial markets departments of Ministries of Finance and Central Banks.
Workshop on Fiscal Risk Management for Lusophone and Francophone Countries
10/30/2023 - 11/03/2023 In Person, Mauritius
This workshop reviews key fiscal risks relating to contingent liabilities with a focus on government loans and guarantees tools which were widely deployed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It will also provide training on FRAT (Fiscal Risk Assessment Tool) and on State Owned Enterprises Health Check Tool (SOE-HCT) to assess and manage fiscal risks from public corporations. It will combine theory and hands-on exercises on fiscal risks.
Workshop on Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA)
10/18/2023 - 10/20/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
The workshop will be focused mainly on: (i) key principles of a sound ELA framework; (ii) operational considerations to implement such a framework; and (iii) central banks’ experiences with ELA. Selected individual countries will present their country experiences as well. In addition, the workshop will provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, as well as guidance on future technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE, AFS and AFW2 capacity development work plans.
Workshop on Financial Sector Surveillance
10/02/2023 - 10/06/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
This one-week course introduces participants to key concepts and tools used in the identification and assessment of financial sector vulnerabilities and sources of strength. The course materials provide a basic toolkit to assess financial sector risks and to measure them against existing capital and liquidity buffers in the financial system. The discussions focus on the early identification of unwarranted macro-financial imbalances and the analysis of the transmission of financial distress across institutions, markets, and economic sectors, with the objective of reducing the likelihood and the severity of financial crises. A combination of lectures and hands-on workshops allows participants to apply essential risk assessment techniques.
Webinar on Review of Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (English)
09/13/2023 - 09/13/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
This webinar will engage with RCDC member countries to a) raise awareness about the consultation and encourage responses; b) explain proposed changes; c) discuss amendments to the Core Principles that are most likely to affect the countries in practical terms; and d) encourage a peer discussion on the new standards for banking supervision, including issues of proportionality and universal applicability. This webinar is designed for officials from banking supervision authorities. There is no limit on the number of attendees, so the event is open to all those interested. To get the most from the webinar, participants are encouraged to join for the entire duration. The webinar will be conducted in English.
Webinar on Review of Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (French)
09/12/2023 - 09/12/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
Le Comité de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire a lancé une consultation publique sur les révisions des Principes fondamentaux d’un contrôle bancaire efficace ("Principes fondamentaux"). Ce webinaire s'adressera aux pays membres du CRDC pour a) les sensibiliser à la consultation et les encourager à y réagir ; b) expliquer les changements proposés ; c) discuter des amendements aux Principes fondamentaux qui sont les plus susceptibles d'affecter les pays en termes pratiques et d) encourager une discussion entre pairs sur les nouvelles normes de contrôle bancaire, dont les questions de proportionnalité et d'applicabilité universelle.
Workshop on Fiscal Risk Management for Sovereign Guarantees
09/04/2023 - 09/08/2023 In person, South Africa
This workshop reviews key fiscal risks relating to contingent liabilities with a focus on government loan and guarantee programs which were widely deployed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It will also provide training on loan tools to assess and manage fiscal risks. It will combine theory and hands-on exercises on fiscal risks and debt sustainability.
Workshop on Working with Basel Core Principles, Covering Broad Content
09/04/2023 - 09/08/2023 In person, Mauritius
Training to AFS member country prudential supervisors on BCP’s, covering broad content and methodology for assessment against BCPs. The 29 BCPs represent the minimum benchmark of international standards for the sound prudential regulation and supervision of banking systems. Many jurisdictions continue to take stock and self-assess the effectiveness of their banking supervision functions, against the BCPs. The workshop will provide training to AFS member country supervisors on the content of the BCPs and the methodology for assessment against them, as well as sharing regional and international experience in conducting both self-assessments on the BCPs and participating in BCP assessments as part of IMF/WB Financial Sector Assessment Programs.
Webinar on Fiscal Data Governance
09/04/2023 - 09/08/2023 In person, Mauritius
The workshop addresses the need for better fiscal data governance (FDG) practices to improve fiscal data quality in the PFM digital solutions. It will present the latest FDG concepts, approaches, trends, legal aspects, links with budget transparency, data interoperability and data security. It will provide a platform for the AFS member countries to explore the benefits of enhanced FDG practices to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of PFM processes. Participants will be encouraged to share their countries experiences and feedback on the FDG practices.
Review of Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision
08/25/2023 - 08/25/2023 Virtual, Zoom Platform
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued a public consultation on revisions to the Core Principles for effective banking supervision (“Core Principles"). This webinar will engage with RCDC member countries to a) raise awareness about the consultation and encourage responses; b) explain proposed changes; c) discuss amendments to the Core Principles that are most likely to affect the countries in practical terms; and d) encourage a peer discussion on the new standards for banking supervision, including issues of proportionality and universal applicability.
This webinar is designed for officials from banking supervision authorities. There is no limit on the number of attendees, so the event is open to all those interested.
Training on the Completion of the International survey on Revenue Administration
08/14/2023 - 08/18/2023 In person, Mauritius
ISORA collects data on tax administration from administrations around the world using questions and definitions agreed by four international organizations: the Inter-American Center of Tax Administration (CIAT); the International Monetary Fund (IMF); the Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA); and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Past ISORA data are available on the ISORA portal for use by tax administrations – please refer to RA-FIT Data 2021 - Standard Tables - ISORA (
Workshop on Forecasting and Policy Analysis System (FPAS)
08/07/2023 - 08/11/2023 Cape Verde, Hybrid mode
The workshop will take stock of the current state of monetary policy frameworks, foreign exchange and exchange rate policies, foreign exchange markets, and operations. The workshop will cover selected topics related to foreign exchange and exchange rate policies in much more detail, such as: (i) exchange rate regimes; (ii) exchange rate flexibility; (iii) foreign exchange intervention; (iv) transparency and pricing in the foreign exchange market; (v) capital controls and exchange rates; (vi) distortions caused by parallel markets; and (vii) foreign exchange market regulation.
Workshop on Foreign Exchange Policy and Operations
07/24/2023 - 07/28/2023 Ethiopia, Hybrid mode
The workshop will take stock of the current state of monetary policy frameworks, foreign exchange and exchange rate policies, foreign exchange markets, and operations. The workshop will cover selected topics related to foreign exchange and exchange rate policies in much more detail, such as: (i) exchange rate regimes; (ii) exchange rate flexibility; (iii) foreign exchange intervention; (iv) transparency and pricing in the foreign exchange market; (v) capital controls and exchange rates; (vi) distortions caused by parallel markets; and (vii) foreign exchange market regulation.
Workshop on Climate Change and Macro-Financial Policies
06/05/2023 - 06/09/2023 South Africa, Hybrid mode
The workshop will focus on the macroeconomic and financial implications of climate change, and the mitigation and adaptation policies needed to deliver on the Paris Agreement and build resilience. The fiscal and financial risks from climate change, and the role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) instruments, and the implications for banking laws would also be discussed. Workshops will focus on the impact of mitigation policies and the macro-fiscal benefits from building resilience, as well as assessing financial sector risks and debt vulnerabilities from climate change. Participating countries would be invited to share their experience in managing climate vulnerabilities and building resilience to foster peer learning.
Workshop on Managing Sovereign Debt Portfolios in Adverse Market Conditions
05/15/2023 - 05/19/2023 Mauritius
The workshop aims to provide a platform for sovereign debt managers in the two regions to share experiences and understand the implications of rising inflation, tightening global financing conditions and a stronger US dollar on sovereign debt portfolios and the implementation of medium-term debt management strategies. Experts will explore areas in which sovereign debt managers may need to consider in their response to adverse market conditions. These include exploring alternative financing mechanisms, debt restructuring options, recalibrating debt management strategies, and strengthening investor relations and debt transparency. The objective is to support sovereign debt managers’ efforts to manage cost and risks arising from the adverse market conditions, while ensuring governments’ financing needs and payment obligations continue to be met.
Course on Financial Development and Financial Inclusion
04/24/2023 - 05/05/2023 Ebene, Mauritius
The course introduces financial inclusion as an integral dimension of financial development-a perspective that has only recently received proper attention because for many years the discussion instead centered on the concept and measurement of financial depth. The course reviews the indicators currently used to measure financial development, its distinct macroeconomic impact, and the main policy strategies usually pursued. The course will cover how countries can develop capital markets (equity and bond markets). The course will describe strategies to increase access to finance for SMEs. The course will look at how best to develop a financial literary program to increase financial inclusion. Finally, the course will delve on Fintech as a tool to promote financial inclusion.Seminar on Repo Market Development
04/11/2023 - 04/14/2023 South Africa
The purpose of the workshop is to support the central banks of the region in developing their repo markets (both classic and buy/sell back), allow peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences and provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of participating officials in these areas. This four-day workshop will take stock of the current state of domestic repo markets; consider specific challenges; discuss plans to develop domestic repo markets; and outline best practices. The workshop will cover selected topics related to repo market development in much more detail, such as: (i) the importance of repo to economic and financial market development; (ii) the need for buy/sell back repos in the strategies to enhance the secondary markets for fixed income securities; (iii) the legal character of repo and how it works; (iv) applications of repo; (v) Global Master Repurchase Agreement and country-specific legal issues; and (vi) the prerequisites for developing a repo market. The seminar will be facilitated by the Regional Advisors; Mr. Marin Molosag (AFRITAC South), Mr. Callie Hugo (AFRITAC East) and Mr. Gani Gerguri (AFRITAC West 2)Webinar on application of GovTech solutions to improve public financial mgt
04/10/2023 - 04/14/2023 Mauritius
GovTech solutions present new opportunities and challenges for digitalizing public financial management. They offer the potential to dramatically improve data collection and storage, increase the speed of transactions, and facilitate government interactions with citizens. Building up on the previous regional workshops on PFM and digitalization 5 this workshop, jointly organized with FAD, will provide a peer-learning platform to the participants to share their experiences and to learn from international and regional best practices in digitalizing PFM. It will explore how PFM digital solutions should evolve and interact within the whole-of-government approach to modernize the public sector. Acknowledging the role of digitalization in delivering public services — especially during the COVID19 pandemic— and in enhancing fiscal transparency through improving fiscal reporting, member countries are even more demanding of capacity development in this areaWorkshop on Improving Fiscal Transparency & Accountability in the public sector
03/07/2023 - 03/10/2023 Mauritius
Participants will : learn what is fiscal transparency code and fiscal transparency evaluation process and how they are linked to fiscal reporting. learn what are the requirements and benefits of accrual-based accounting and its role in improving fiscal transparency and fiscal risk management. better understand usage and impact of the accrual-basis IPSAS, and the linkage between accrual reporting framework and other frameworks such as GFMS 2014 address specific IPSAS through practical work in smaller groups get familiar with examples of good practices of IPSAS adoption from the international and regional environment connect with peers that are undergoing an accrual reform program.Workshop on Price Statistics Fundamentals
02/27/2023 - 03/03/2023 Lesotho
The main objective is to strengthen the participants’ knowledge of price indices concepts and methods relating to the implementation of international standards and best practices. This five-day workshop will focus on the challenges compilers face in developing, maintaining and updating price indices. Topics will include issues with the development and updating of weights, re-referencing the index period, selecting and maintaining samples, quality adjustment issues, the introduction of new/replacement items, and pricing difficult items.
Seminar on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
12/05/2022 - 12/08/2022 South Africa
This four-day seminar will focus on finalizing guidelines for administrations on how to develop business continuity and disaster recovery plans in accordance with good practice standards. Sessions will include interactive discussions covering good practice standards, regional initiatives, and country experiences. The aim is to encourage peer learning and sharing of experiences.Webinar on Analytical Skills for National Accounts
11/21/2022 - 11/25/2022 South Africa
The main objective is to strengthen the participants’ analytical skills in compiling and disseminating GDP estimates. This workshop will focus on the fundamental analytical skills required to compile and disseminate GDP estimates. Topics will include analysis of source data including estimation techniques; revisions analysis; data visualization techniques; data validation; quality assurance issues; and data dissemination issues. Participants will be engaged in undertaking several group exercises to strengthen their skills throughout the workshop.Webinar on Fiscal Risks Management For Sovereign Guarantees
11/14/2022 - 11/18/2022 South Africa
This is a joint FAD/ATI/AFS/AFE workshop to provide guidance on assessing fiscal sustainability using the ICD Debt Dynamics Tool (DDT) and long-term fiscal sustainability using the new FAD climate change fiscal sustainability tool. Participants will also be exposed to the full fiscal risk toolkit.Webinar on Modernization of MPO Frameworks and FMD
11/14/2022 - 11/18/2022 Zoom online Platform
The objective of the workshop is to interrogate the inter-linkage between monetary policy frameworks and financial markets as well as the need for functional financial markets as a pre-requisite for effective monetary policy implementation. The focus will therefore be to: (i) strengthen the participants’ understanding of the fundamentals of effective monetary policy implementation; (ii) discuss progress with the modernization of monetary policy implementation frameworks and financial markets in the region, and (iii) peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences on challenges with monetary policy implementation, including constraints to financial market development.Course on Central Bank Digital Currencies (OT22.314)
11/07/2022 - 11/11/2022 Ebene, Mauritius
The course is designed to give participants a foundation in central bank digital currencies. It will assess the business case for CBDC adoption from the perspective of users and central banks. After some motivations and introductory remarks on digitalization, the course will discuss the different forms of CBDCs, and present considerations for CBDC design and a conceptual framework. The course will present the benefits, costs and risks related to CBDCs. In addition, CBDCs will be studied in terms of their implications for financial stability and bank intermediation, the monetary policy transmission, financial integrity, and financial inclusion. Some time will be devoted to regulatory considerations, both at the national and international level.Webinar on Digital Money: Balancing Innovation and Regulation for a new Frontier
10/24/2022 - 10/28/2022 Johannesburg, South Africa
The program is sponsored jointly by AFRITAC South, AFRITAC East, AFRITAC West 2 and the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) in collaboration with the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department. Digital money services have evolved in conjunction with a rapid growth in technology, mobile networks, and access to the internet. The objective of this seminar is to explore the potential implications of the digital and information technology innovations in the financial system for the adoption of digital money and provide an opportunity for countries to exchange knowledge and experiences on digital money.Training on International Financial Reporting Standards 17 (IFRS 17)
10/24/2022 - 11/04/2022 Zoom online Platform
The purpose of the training is to provide a wider understanding on IFRS 17 implementation processes that will enhance insurance supervisors’ own level of preparedness and assist in the development of adequate processes to accommodate the transition. Moreover, it will assist supervisors in holding discussions with the insurance sector to assess readiness and issue any circular letter to insurers informing them of the requirements to implement the IFRS 17 under specific implementation plans.Webinar on Climate Risk Analysis
10/03/2022 - 10/03/2022 Zoom Platform
The scope mainly focuses on banks, but its principles are largely applicable to any type of financial institution. The topics that are covered are: i) The channels through which climate risk will influence macro-financial dynamics and systemic risk. ii) The different types of climate risk and how they are intertwined. iii) Climate scenarios design and the sources of data and uncertainty. iv) How to model the impact of climate risk on the real economy and the banking sector. The webinar illustrates concepts from examples of applications from recent FSAPs. The webinar targets Deputy Governors and senior staff dealing with the impact of climate risk to the financial sector. At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to identify the climate risks their national financial systems are mostly exposed to and the suitable approaches to manage them. Furthermore, they will have developed an understanding of how they should adapt their overall supervisory framework to incorporate climate risk analysis and the implications for regulatory policy making.Webinar on Corporate Governance
09/26/2022 - 09/30/2022 Zoom Platform
High-Level Bank Corporate Governance Regional Webinar and Regulation Workshop. The webinar and workshop will be distinct parts, with the webinar providing an update on international standards and compliance with Basel Core Principles (BCP) with senior supervisory agency personnel and supervisors; and with the workshop providing more detailed training on corporate governance regulatory frameworks and a self-assessment against international standards by each participating country.Course on Nowcasting
09/19/2022 - 09/30/2022 Zoom Platform
This two-week course is designed to provide to relevant organizations in sub-Saharan Africa the cutting-edge tools and the types of data in-use or developed at the IMF to aid in the estimation of economic indicators in the recent past, present and near future (‘nowcasting’). Nowcasting can be defined as real-time evaluations of variables based on a series of relevant, timely and higher-frequency indicators and familiarize the region’s officials with the concepts and methods to incorporate High-Frequency economic indicators into the modeling process. Through lectures and workshops, participants will be introduced to nowcasting methods and to the type of data and techniques that countries can use to develop high-frequency indicators (HFI) using a hands-on approach. The course will cover nowcasting and HFI data sources, two types of modeling approaches (factor models and machine learning), that enable the incorporation of mixed-frequency data indicators to the nowcasts and forecasts of GDP. Using applications to different countries, it will emphasize the following practical aspects: How to adapt to the data context? How to deal with mixed frequencies and delays in the release of data? How to evaluate (and combine) different nowcasting models? Given the course's focus, the target audience is staff conducting short/near term macroeconomic analysis and forecasting and possibly mid-level to senior managers responsible for public financial management or monetary policy decision-making who have modelling and forecasting skills. Participants are expected to have an advanced degree in economics and econometrics or equivalent experience. It is strongly recommended that applicants have completed at least two general macroeconomic courses, such as Macroeconomic Forecasting and Analysis (MFA), Macroeconomic Diagnostic (MDS), delivered either in-person, virtually or online. In addition, ideally, participants should have experience of EViews and MatlabWebinar on Compiling Producer Price Indices (PPIS)
06/27/2022 - 07/01/2022 Zoom Platform
The purpose of the virtual workshop is to continue strengthen the participants’ knowledge of PPI concepts and methods. The focus will be on specific data sources and compilation procedures for specific industries including the services sector. This virtual workshop will also focus on specific issues and challenges identified by the participants and on the implementation of international standards and best practices regarding the compilation of these price indices.Webinar on Cyber Risk Supervision
06/27/2022 - 07/01/2022 In Person, Hennessy Park Hotel, Ebene , Mauritius
The workshop will provide Training on the off-site and on-site supervision of cybersecurity.Webinar on Modernizing Central Bank Communication
06/20/2022 - 06/22/2022 Zoom Online Platform
The workshop is targeting countries within the regions of AFE, AFS and AFW2 that have already made solid progress in communication. The focus of the workshop will be on modernizing the central bank communication through strategic communication guided by a communication policy and strategy, including analyzing the media landscape to reflect upon tools, channels and target groups and to evaluate the impact of communication. Price stability and monetary policy is the main responsibility of the central bank and communication plays an essential role for anchoring inflation expectations and thus monetary policy communication will play a central part in this workshop. In addition to the traditional mix of lectures, the agenda of the workshop will include interactive sessions, group work and discussion panels. A total of 15 countries are invited, operating under different monetary policy regimes and all with a certain degree of transparency and communication.Webinar on Fundamentals of Sound Central Bank Communication
06/13/2022 - 06/15/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Each day of conference will last for about 3 ½ hours, consisting of one keynote speech by a distinguished academic or non-African policymaker and two panel sessions with governors (or deputy governors) of central banks of SSA countries. The draft program (see below) includes moderated discussions of the challenges faced by SSA countries when reforming their monetary policy frameworks, the experiences of transiting to a price-based monetary policy framework and from a peg to more flexible exchange rate regimes, the issues related to central bank independence, accountability, communication and transparency, and recent and expected innovations in central banking and monetary policy such as digitalization, and fintech innovations.High-Level Conference: Modernizing Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
02/28/2022 - 03/02/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Each day of conference will last for about 3 ½ hours, consisting of one keynote speech by a distinguished academic or non-African policymaker and two panel sessions with governors (or deputy governors) of central banks of SSA countries. The draft program (see below) includes moderated discussions of the challenges faced by SSA countries when reforming their monetary policy frameworks, the experiences of transiting to a price-based monetary policy framework and from a peg to more flexible exchange rate regimes, the issues related to central bank independence, accountability, communication and transparency, and recent and expected innovations in central banking and monetary policy such as digitalization, and fintech innovations.Webinar on Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries (MRC)
02/21/2022 - 03/04/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to: • Analyze economic performance in RRCs, in particular in terms of growth, diversification, inclusiveness, and sustainability. • Design fiscal frameworks, applying appropriate fiscal benchmarks to determine whether to consume, save, or invest the proceeds from the sale of natural resources. • Identify the appropriate macroeconomic policy response to commodity price shocks. • Ensure greater transparency in the management of natural resources and develop appropriate institutional structures for Sovereign Wealth Funds. The course will involve lectures, hands-on workshops, debates, case studies, and online modules. Participants are expected to have an advanced degree in economics or equivalent experience and to be proficient in the use of Excel.Webinar on Cyber Risk
02/21/2022 - 02/25/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Regulation of Fintech
01/27/2022 - 01/28/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Alongside the technological innovation, consumers have demanded faster, more cost effective and transparent financial services. Financial technology (fintech) have recognized these gaps in traditional financial service offerings and introducing new solutions such as digital wallets, mobile payments, digital currencies, and blockchain based financial market instruments. Subsequently, consumers are adopting these innovative financial service offerings in progressively shorter periods. Regulators must keep up with this pace of change in financial services and find ways to enable financial markets to leverage these benefits of fintech in a responsible manner. This webinar will explore ways for regulatory authorities to mitigate potential risks to the financial system and the practical solutions to introducing new or revised legal and regulatory reformsWebinar on the Experience with FPAS in Africa
01/10/2022 - 01/14/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Webinar on Basics of National Accounts for Beginners
12/06/2021 - 12/10/2021 Zoom Online Platform
This webinar will focus on the concepts underpinning the compilation of the national accounts as well as the methods and data sources to measure GDP. Topics will include the definitions, measurement and data sources used in compiling GDP in by production and expenditure; volume and price changes; classifications; and supply and use tables. Participants will be invited to identify specific questions, topics, issues which will be discussed during the webinar. This webinar will be conducted jointly with AFRITAC East and the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI).Webinar on Fiscal Risks Management in Low and Middle Income Countries
11/08/2021 - 11/12/2021 Zoom Online Platform
MODULE II This two-module course presented by AFS provides an overview of how fiscal risks impact debt sustainability and macro management in African countries with access to concessional debt. The seminar introduces the basic principles of fiscal risk management, debt sustainability, and the IMF-World Bank framework for Public Debt Sustainability Analysis in Low-Income Countries (LIC DSF). Module I focus on Fiscal Risks and Debt Sustainability and Module II on Macroeconomic shocks and fiscal stress tests. Participants that successfully complete both modules will receive a certificationWebinar on Fiscal Risks Management in Low and Middle Income Countries
09/06/2021 - 09/15/2021 Zoom Online Platform
MODULE I This two-module course presented by AFS provides an overview of how fiscal risks impact debt sustainability and macro management in African countries with access to concessional debt. The seminar introduces the basic principles of fiscal risk management, debt sustainability, and the IMF-World Bank framework for Public Debt Sustainability Analysis in Low-Income Countries (LIC DSF). Module I focus on Fiscal Risks and Debt Sustainability and Module II on Macroeconomic shocks and fiscal stress tests. Participants that successfully complete both modules will receive a certificationWebinar on Modern Tax Audit Management Principles
08/16/2021 - 08/27/2021 Zoom Online Platform
To strengthen capacity of the Revenue Authorities in the AFRITAC SOUTH (AFS) Region by enhancing effectiveness of audit and verification programs that will foster accuracy of reporting.Webinar on Modern Tax Audit Management Principles
05/21/2021 - 07/02/2021 Zoom Online Platform
To strengthen capacity of the Revenue Authorities in the AFRITAC SOUTH (AFS) Region by enhancing effectiveness of audit and verification programs that will foster accuracy of reporting.Webinar on Unwinding Covid-19 Policy Interventions for Banking Systems
05/18/2021 - 05/18/2021 Zoom Online Platform
The webinar will provide presentations from MCM on guidance for unwinding policy measures, including borrower support, bank capital, and liquidity measures, and suggests ways to prioritize supervisory tasks during the exit process. It will address the trade-offs entailed by unwinding decisions and steps that authorities could consider when the exit appears challenging and banks’ asset quality is likely to deteriorate sharply, including situations that might evolve into systemwide banking sector stress. The information provided will be based on the Special Series on COVID-19 note - Unwinding COVID-19 Policy Interventions for Banking Systems. There will also be presentations on country experiences on this topic from Zambia, Mozambique and South Africa
07/27/2020 - 07/31/2020 WebEx Online Platform
The main objective is to assist AFS members in addressing the economic effect of COVID-19 by applying national accounts concepts and techniques to compile sound GDP, with a focus on the compilation of the second quarter of 2020. This five-day seminar will focus on the COVID-19 related challenges for the compilation of national accounts and methodological notes prepared by the IMF’s Statistics Department to address these challenges. The seminar will consist of lectures and workshop sessions. WebEx platform will be used to organize online meeting. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel is required.WEBINAR ON INSURANCE REGULATORY AND SUPERVISORY RESPONSES DURING THE COVID-19
07/22/2020 - 07/22/2020 WebEx Online Platform
AFRITAC South (AFS) and the Monetary and Capital Markets (MCM) department of the International Monetary Fund host a series of online roundtable discussions, on banking supervision and regulation, central bank operations, and cybersecurity focusing on current issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by question and answer sessions with attendees.WEBINAR ON CENTRAL BANK SUPPORT TO FINANCIAL MARKETS
07/15/2020 - 07/15/2020 WebEx Online Platform
AFRITAC South and the Monetary and Capital Markets (MCM) department of the International Monetary Fund host a series of online roundtable discussions, on banking supervision and regulation, central bank operations and cybersecurity, focusing on current issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by question and answer sessions with attendees.WEBINAR ON CYBER SECURITY RISK OF REMOTE WORK DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC
07/01/2020 - 07/01/2020 WebEx Online Platform
AFRITAC South and the Monetary and Capital Markets (MCM) department of the International Monetary Fund host a series of online roundtable discussions, on banking supervision and regulation, central bank operations, and cybersecurity focusing on current issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by question and answer sessions with attendeesWEBINAR ON BANKING REGULATION AND SUPERVISION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC
06/17/2020 - 06/17/2020 WebEx Online Platform
AFRITAC South (AFS) and the Monetary and Capital Markets (MCM) department of the International Monetary Fund are hosting a series of online roundtable discussions in banking supervision and regulation, central bank operations, and debt management. The primary focus is on current challenges related to COVID-19 pandemic.WEBINAR ON THE BUDGET PROCESS IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID 19 - ANGOLA
05/19/2020 - 05/22/2020 WebEx Online Platform
4-day on-line training for Angolan authorities. AFS will deliver a 4-day on-line training to 20 officers during May 19-22, 2020. The 4-day training event will be delivered online using the WebEx platform at a pace of 3hours per day. The webinar will be delivered in Portuguese with simultaneous interpretation in English. The training content, divided into eight lectures, will cover 1) Budget cycle from preparation to reporting on execution (2) Budget implementation processes including cash-planning (3) controlling, monitoring and timely accounting for and reporting on expenditures –especially those related to COVID19—to prevent arrears accumulation in the post-COVID 19.WEBINAR ON IMF CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR OVERCOMING CURRENT MACRO-FISCAL
05/12/2020 - 05/12/2020 WebEx Online Platform
AFS will organize a webinar on 12 May 2020 for anglophone AFS member countries titled: IMF Capacity Development for Overcoming Current Macro-Fiscal/PFM Challenges. First, to discuss how AFS can better target capacity development activities for our member countries in the region. Second, to share IMF’s recent work related to COVID-19 policy responses.WEBINAR ON PROGRAM-BASED BUDGETING FOR THE INDIAN OCEAN COMMISSION (IOC)
05/08/2020 - 05/08/2020 WebEx Online Platform
The 2-day training event will be delivered online using the WebEx webinar platform. The training content, divided into three lectures, covered (i) PBB principles, (ii) PBB accounting and costing, and (iii) PBB performance informationWEBINAR ON STRENGTHENING PUBLIC DEBT MANAGEMENT AND MANAGING PUBLIC WEALTH
04/28/2020 - 05/04/2020 WebEx Online Platform
The webinar covers the following topics: • Public debt management and transparency. Gaps in recording, monitoring, and reporting of reliable and comprehensive public debt data. The consequences that can arise from lack of transparency. • Public-private partnerships and PFRAM. Why do we worry about PPPs? What can governments do to manage PPPs? How can we use the P-FRAM to identify and evaluate PPP fiscal costs, fiscal risks, and mitigation measures to manage them? • Managing public wealth: The public sector balance sheet. What do PSBSs look like, and how have they evolved? How to manage financial and non-financial risks to PSBS? How can the PSBS approach strengthen fiscal policy? • Country experiences on public debt transparency and PPP management. The webinar was delivered using WebEx platform (3 ½ Hours /day) and created the opportunity for sharing and collaboration among the participating countries to identify areas for improvements in their PFM systems.FUNDAMENTALS OF PRICE STATISTICS
02/10/2020 - 02/14/2019 Gaborone, Botswana
The main objective is to strengthen the participants’ knowledge of price indices concepts and methods relating to the implementation of international standards and best practices. This five-day seminar will focus on the fundamental data sources and compilation procedures as well as the challenges compilers face in developing/updating price indices. Topics will include general price indices issues; contributing to the development of source data surveys as well as analyzing the subsequent results; constructing expenditure shares; issues with the development/updating weights, selecting samples, quality adjustment issues, and pricing difficult items. Participants will be invited to list specific questions, topics, issues which will be discussed during the seminar.EFFECTIVE USE OF DATA ANALYTICAL TOOLS TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A RBCP
01/27/2020 - 01/31/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
The seminar will focus on the use of analytical tools for the purposes of identifying potential areas of non-compliance. The seminar will look to identify all data sources available to revenue authorities and to guide participants through the practical application of various tools and techniques. Guest speakers will also look to share practical examples of the results achieved through the use of the techniques and tools.VOLUME AND PRICE MEASURES IN NATIONAL ACCOUNTS
01/13/2020 - 01/17/2019 Livingstone, Zambia
The main objective is to strengthen the participants’ knowledge of national accounts concepts and methods relating to the implementation of international standards and best practices. This five-day seminar will focus on the decomposition of transactions included in GDP into price and volumes. Issues with the choice of the base and reference year and the use of deflation or extrapolation methods. Participants will be invited to list specific questions, topics, issues which will be discussed during the seminar. The seminar will consist of lectures and workshop sessions.
12/10/2019 - 12/13/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
Financial market infrastructures (FMIs) facilitate the clearing, settlement, and recording of monetary and other financial transactions and are critical for the effective conduct of monetary policy. They enable improved risk management and can strengthen the markets they serve. However, if not properly managed, they can pose significant risks to the financial system and be a potential source of contagion, particularly in periods of market stress. Because of their critical importance for financial stability, risk management standards have been promulgated for the operations of FMIs and oversight responsibilities for regulators, supervisors and overseers of these systems. These are the CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) published in 2012 by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) of the Bank for International Settlements and the Technical Committee for the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).MONETARY POLICY FORECASTING AND ANALYSIS
12/09/2019 - 12/13/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
A more detailed seminar description will be provided at a later stage when date, venue, and cooperating partners have been confirmed. The seminar will require close interaction among the participants, with the resource persons guiding the interactions. Participants will be asked to make presentations on their country specific macro models, forecast processes, nowcasting frameworks etc. experiences. Presentations will be given by international experts in the area. Participants are expected to review the reading materials on the list of references.CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ISSUES IN BANKING SECTOR
10/14/2019 - 10/18/2019 Pretoria, South Africa
The Global Financial Crisis has resulted in an overhaul of the global financial regulatory and supervisory architecture and has been instrumental for a paradigm shift in the manner in which financial institutions classify, measure and manage various categories of risk. The scope of banking regulation and supervision has also been extended to include elements of Corporate Governance. Consequently, the international standard setters issued revised/enhanced standards relating to Corporate Governance. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in 2015 issued Corporate Governance Principles for Banks, which focus on addressing deficiencies at the level of Board of Directors. The organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has also issued revised Corporate Governance standards. IMF’s initiatives on Governance and Corruption resulted in publication of the policy papers in August 2017. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has also done considerable work in the area of Corporate Governance including stocktaking of governance practices in major banks and thematic peer reviews.ESTABLISHMENT OF EFFECTIVE SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES FOR CUSTOMS VALUATION
10/07/2019 - 10/11/2019 South Africa
The seminar will focus on the practical application of the WCO good practice guidelines for the establishment and operation of a customs valuation unit and/or associated procedures. The focus will be on providing revenue authorities with details of the WTO GATT valuation rules and the practical actions required to ensure that authorities comply with their obligations as members of the WTO. The seminar will also review the latest IMF Technical Note on Valuation matters with a view to identify key risk areas and to develop appropriate risk-mitigation strategies designed to improve compliance. Guest speakers will also look to share practical examples of the results achieved through the practical application of the guidelines provided.HIGH-LEVEL SEMINAR ON REVENUE ADMINISTRATION GOVERNANCE
09/23/2019 - 09/25/2019 Cape Town, South Africa
Good governance is one of the key drivers of sustainable and good performance in revenue administrations. The level of transparency, accountability, and integrity of the revenue administration determines the extent to which the public have confidence and trust in the revenue administration to competently and fairly execute its mandate. Limited trust and confidence in the revenue administration limits the extent to which taxpayers voluntarily comply with their tax obligations and ultimately affect revenue performance. In addition, the operating environment is rapidly changing compelling revenue administrations to think differently about governance areas including strategy; technology; risk management; compliance; (by taxpayers and by the administration itself to governing laws and regulations), assurance; and stakeholder inclusiveness. Governing boards or governance bodies for revenue administrations are tasked with directing the administrations to overcome these challenges and deliver good and sustainable performance.IMPROVING BUDGET OUTCOMES THROUGH TRANSPARENT AND GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGETS
09/23/2019 - 09/27/2019 Pretoria, South Africa
An open, accessible and responsive budget is one of the most important enablers for achieving the ultimate outcomes of public financial management (PFM), namely aggregate fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources, and efficient service delivery. At the same time, the credibility of the budget is highly dependent on the strength of the PFM system as whole. Orderly and inclusive budget preparation including openness in forecasting macro-fiscal trends, revenue and expenditure estimates, as well as disclosing budget execution information regularly and in meaningful formats reflects a robust PFM system.Monetary Policy Implementation and Financial Market Development
08/26/2019 - 08/30/2019 SARB Academy, Pretoria, South Africa
Many central banks in southern Africa are in the process of modernizing their central banks. Monetary policy regimes are changing and with these changes comes changes in the implementation frameworks as they need to be adapted to the monetary policy regime. However, there is no “one size fits all” implementation framework. Central banks operating the same monetary policy regime have chosen different implementation frameworks. During this seminar you’ll have the opportunity to hear from many of your peers how their respective frameworks are designed, the benefits and challenges they are associated with and what practical and technical requirements they are attached with. In addition, you’ll learn from the IMF recourse persons about various monetary policy regimes and operational frameworks.IFRS 9- Implementation Issues
08/19/2019 - 08/23/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
The overarching goal of the seminar is to enhance the ability of prudential regulators and bank supervisors/examiners to understand the implementation challenges of IFRS with specific focus on the above noted standards. The seminar is designed as a capsule program to familiarize participants with the underlying concepts of these standards and equip them with the tools and techniques for conducting supervision of banks/financial institutions under the new framework in the most effective way. The seminar aims to make participants aware of the inter-linkages among these standards and implementation challenges involved. Aided by this awareness, officials will be better equipped to gain insights into the implications of IFRS 9 on credit risk models. This will enable the participants to be prepared for an efficient transition to IFRS 9 and design supervisory frameworks appropriate for their jurisdictions.Customized Training Course for Comoros and Madagascar on Auditing
08/05/2019 - 08/16/2019 Hotel Colbert-Antananarivo, Madagascar
The capacity for detecting and deterring inaccurate reporting is low in both Madagascar and Comoros. The audit staff in the two countries need further training to run effective audits. AFRITAC South has provided technical assistance on audit to the two countries through several in-country missions and provided hands on guidance to the officers on applying audit techniques to enhance audit performance outcomes. However, more work is still required to build a strong and effective audit capacity in both countries. Due to their many similarities including speaking the same language and fragility, it is only effective and synergistic to run a customized training course, in French, which shall target capacity gaps peculiar to both countriesMacroeconomic Training- Financial Development and Financial Inclusion
06/17/2019 - 06/28/2019 Africa Training Institute, Ebene, Mauritius
Beginning with an analysis that defines the role of finance in the economy, the course reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the impact of finance on macroeconomic performance and growth. It also addresses policies to encourage financial development (market-enabling policies) and limit its potentially destabilizing effects (market-harnessing policies). The course introduces financial inclusion as an integral dimension of financial development—a perspective that has only recently received proper attention because for many years the discussion instead centered on the concept and measurement of financial depth. The course reviews the indicators currently used to measure financial inclusion, its distinct macroeconomic impact, and the main policy strategies usually pursued.Fintech: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks to the Financial System
03/19/2019 - 03/21/2019 Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
How much of fintech is hype and how much is reality, and how should policy and regulation respond to this fast‐ changing industry are the main issues the seminar aims to address. The seminar will explore how fintech technologies could lead to the emergence of new risks, by creating greater volatility and instability, and how central banks and regulators can mitigate potential risks to financial stability and integrity without stifling innovation. The seminar will examine practical fintech applications. It will explore central bank responses to potential opportunities and challenges arising from cryptocurrencies and examine a range of use cases with distributed ledger technology and the issuance of central bank digital currencies. Discussions will also focus on experiences in Regtech and Suptech and potential risks from their broad adoption. Regtech can be defined as the use of fintech by financial institutions for improving their regulatory compliance and risk management. Similarly, Suptech can be defined as financial supervisors themselves using fintech to improve their supervisory and regulatory processes.Gestion macroéconomique dans les pays riches en ressources naturelles (MRC)
03/11/2019 - 03/22/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
L’objectif du cours est d’aider les pays de la sous-région à mieux cerner les défis soulevés par la gestion de leurs ressources naturelles. À cet effet, il offrira aux participants les compétences analytiques nécessaires pour comprendre les problèmes et formuler et mettre en œuvre un large éventail de politiques macroéconomiques, y compris les régimes fiscaux et règles budgétaires, monétaire et de change, ainsi que les réformes structurelles associés. Le cours permettra également de partager les expériences de chacun et de débattre en profondeur de plusieurs études de cas de pays riches en ressources naturelles qui sont adaptées aux variations régionales.Compilation of Export and Import Price Indices
02/18/2019 - 02/22/2019 Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
This is a joint seminar with East AFRITAC and the Common Market for Southern Africa (COMESA). The main objective is to strengthen the participants’ knowledge of price indices concepts and methods. The focus will be on specific data sources and compilation procedures. This five-day seminar will focus on specific issues and challenges relating to the implementation of international standards and best practices regarding the compilation of price indices. Topics will include general price indices issues, challenges, and problems such as developing/updating weights, selecting samples, quality adjustment issues, pricing difficult items, and others. Participants will be invited to list specific questions, topics, issues which will be discussed during the seminar.Advanced Rulings for Classification Purposes, Origin and Valuation
01/28/2019 - 02/01/2019 Ebene, Mauritius
This is a joint seminar with East AFRITAC and the Common Market for Southern Africa (COMESA). The seminar will provide a forum for discussion to explore challenges to the key steps in processing advanced ruling requests in origin and tariff classification. The seminar will build advanced ruling capacity of the participants by looking at: -outlining the background and reasoning behind advanced rulings; -an overview of issues requiring consideration to ensure an effective advanced ruling process; -the key steps in processing advanced rulings including identifying best practice; -objectives and procedures to support advanced ruling for tariff classification; and -preparing a communications strategy.Moving Towards International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
01/21/2019 - 01/25/2019 Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
In recent years, the global financial crisis highlighted the significant gaps and weaknesses in public sector accounting practices and underscored the need for more comprehensive, reliable, and timely financial reporting by governments. These concerns were echoed by the G‐20 at their meeting in Moscow in February 2013, when they called on the IMF, World Bank, and OECD to work to improve the transparency and comparability of public sector financial reporting. To help policymakers and citizens to understand and address these sources of fiscal risk, fiscal transparency standards and practices need to improve along several dimensions: more complete coverage of public sector institutions; more comprehensive reporting of assets and liabilities; recognition of a broader range of transactions and other economic flows; more frequent and timely fiscal reporting; more rigorous approach to fiscal forecasting and risk analysis; and alignment of standards for budgets, statistics, and accounts. IPSAS have a potentially significant role to play in enhancing the transparency and comparability of government financial information. The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB), a part of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), is responsible for issuing International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Currently there are some thirty IPSASs applicable to accrual based accounting and one IPSAS applicable to cash‐based accounting. Subjects so far covered by IPSASs include presentation of financial statements, the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates, financial instruments, contingent liabilities, and segment reporting. IPSASs are designed to facilitate the generation of government financial reports of high quality that are internationally comparable.
Mainstreaming National Accounts and Balance of Payment Statistics
12/03/2018 - 12/07/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
The main objective is to strengthen knowledge of the national accounts concepts and methods that overlap with balance of payment statistics. The seminar will consist of lectures and workshop sessions covering methodological and compilation issues based on the 2008 System of National Accounts and Balance of Payment Statistics Manual 6th edition.Model Based Policy Analysis and Forecasting
11/05/2018 - 11/16/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
This course, presented by the IMF Institute for Capacity Development, provides rigorous training on the use of simple Dynamic New Keynesian (DNK) models to conduct monetary analysis and forecasting; it emphasizes analysis of monetary policy responses to macroeconomic imbalances and shocks. Participants are provided with the tools necessary to develop or extend the model to fit their own monetary policy framework. Country case studies are used to reinforce participant understanding and to help them compare and assess a variety of possible experiences. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: - customize a simple model of an economy that embodies the monetary policy transmission mechanism, and the shocks this economy may face; - acquire and apply tools used in modern central banks to conduct monetary policy analysis and forecasting using a hands-on Matlab-based model; - conduct nowcasting and near-term forecasting using a variety of estimation-based econometric techniques supported by expert judgment; - use the model to develop consistent medium-term quarterly projections of such key macroeconomic variables as output, inflation, interest rate, and exchange rate; - identify risks in the baseline forecast and draw up medium-term projections for alternative scenarios that assume that the risks materialize; and - start building a simple model for monetary policy analysis using their own national data, when they return home.Orientation Programme for newly recruited Central Bank Officers
10/22/2018 - 10/26/2018 Bank of Mauritius, Port Louis
This is a joint orientation program co-hosted with the Bank of Mauritius The program will provide an overview of Central Banking with practical experience form the Bank of Mauritius (BoM) on various topics. The IMF advisors at the AFRITAC south (AFS) and the Africa Training Institute (ATI) in Mauritius will provide lectures on a broad spectrum of topics relating to the various activities and responsibilities of the central banks. These topics will include among others; Central banks independence The use of statistics in central banks, The role of the central bank in debt management, Cash management the role of government and central bank, Modeling and forecasting in policy making, Central bank communication, Regulation and supervision of financial markets, Financial stability and Macroprudential policy, Governance issues in central banking, Payments system and infrastructure The orientation program is suitable for newly recruited staff within the central bank core areas and will provide for an orientation of the core business of modern central banking. In addition, it will provide an opportunity for newly recruited staff to meet and learn from other central bankers as well as to learn from the experience shared by the Bank of Mauritius.Crisis Management and Crisis Resolution
10/15/2018 - 10/19/2018 SARB Academy, Pretoria, South Africa
The seminar will inform participants about the need to keep abreast of the above developments and be ready for the implementation challenges. It will offer participants the opportunity to review and discuss key aspects of the resolution process including recent developments by the international standard setting bodies such as the BCBS and FSB. It will strive to find internationally coordinated solutions that take account of the impact of the crisis on the financial systems and real economies of other countries, drawing on information, arrangements and plans developed ex-ante. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, these issues have rapidly risen to the top of international and regional policy agendas. Reforms initiated in crisis management target the improvement of powers and tools for dealing with weak banks with a particular emphasis on SIFIs. The seminar will address the following: -introduction to the key elements of macroprudential supervision and financial stability; -key attributes of effective resolution regimes for financial institutions; -developments in cross border supervision; and -roundtable discussion on an implementation framework for Southern African countries. The seminar will require close interaction among the participants, with the resource persons guiding the interactions. Representatives from select countries will be required to make a presentation on case studies involving crisis resolution infrastructure and crisis management strategies in their countriy. Presentations will be given by international experts, including from IMF headquarters. The Course curriculum includes interactive discussion and group exercises with fellow participants, regulatory experts, and industry practitioners.Medium-Term Fiscal Frameworks and Fiscal Risks
09/10/2018 - 09/14/2018 Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa
Robust macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts are crucial to developing a sustainable fiscal strategy and ensuring greater predictability of budget allocations. In most countries medium-term macro-fiscal forecasts are presented as part of their Medium-Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF). The MTFF encompass the top-down specification of the aggregate resources envelope and is also the foundation for developing a sound medium-term budget framework (MTBF) and annual budget. In terms of the three main goals of Public Financial Management (aggregate fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources, efficient service delivery), the focus of the MTFF is on maintaining aggregate fiscal discipline and fiscal sustainability. The MTFF is the appropriate vehicle to explore the boundaries to the set of fiscal and macroeconomic policies that are consistent with continued financial stability and fiscal sustainability. More than 15 years ago, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa embarked on a program of budgetary reform, an important element of which was a medium-term budget framework (MTBF). The objectives of this reform were to enhance fiscal discipline, achieve a better alignment of resource allocation with national priorities, and improve the certainty of funding, both internal and external, over the medium term. The progress of these reforms, in six selected countries, is assessed by a recent IMF Working Paper. It assesses the effectiveness of MTBFs in achieving improved fiscal discipline, resource allocation, and certainty of funding, as well as wider economic and social criteria such as poverty reduction and more efficient public investment. The authors recommend developing countries to focus on building their capacity in macro-fiscal forecasting and analysis. This will allow the authorities to table a credible MTFF that creates the base for a credible medium-term budget framework.Strengthening the Administration and Control of Excise
09/03/2018 - 09/07/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
The seminar will provide a forum for discussion to explore challenges to the administration of excise programs and build capacity of the participants by looking at: -review aspects of the supporting legislation/regulations, and control processes and procedures in the region; -trader information, application, approval and registration of operators, risk management, physical and audit control, planning a control program, conducting a compliance visit, reporting, system audit and accountancy, and management controls; -explore opportunities of increasing revenue through extending excise to other trade sectors, e.g., betting and gaming, specific petroleum products, and mobile telephone airtime; and -developing an excise compliance strategy.Impact of Basel III Reforms in Implementation of Basel II/III in EMDEs
07/16/2018 - 07/20/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
The seminar will cover the details of recently finalized Basel III reforms by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) especially aspects relating to the standardized approaches for Credit and Operational risks as well as Leverage Ratio framework, Credit Value Adjustment risk framework and introduction of a robust Output Floor. In the wake of the global financial crisis, the BCBS has been reviewing the adequacy of the capital framework and completed revisions in December 2017. The aim was not only to address the weaknesses that were revealed during the crisis, but also to reflect the experience gained with the implementation of the Basel framework since 2004. The Basel III framework, being the central element of the BCBS’s response to the crisis, addresses a number of shortcomings in the pre-crisis regulatory framework and provides a foundation for a resilient banking system that will help avoid the build-up of systemic vulnerabilities. The BCBS has revised the standardized approaches for credit, market and operational risks. The BCBS’s objective has been to ensure that the combined revisions to the standardized approaches imply that the capital requirements reflect the inherent riskiness of exposures and that the standardized approaches constitute a suitable alternative and complement to internal models. It has also revised certain elements of the Internal Ratings Based Approach to credit risk, leverage ratio framework, output floor and transitional arrangements. This will have a substantial impact on the Basel II/III implementation program of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and there is an urgent need for prudential regulators to keep abreast of these developments.Foreign Exchange Market Simulation for Central Banks
06/25/2018 - 06/29/2018 Johannesburg, South Africa
Recent experience of exchange rate volatility in sub-Saharan African countries has forced many central banks to rethink their foreign exchange market operations. Inefficiency of market movement shows there is a general need to move away from pure administrative measures towards more market conforming methods and to deepen the understanding of money and foreign exchange market dynamics. Thus, central banks in the region are currently striving to improve their market intelligence for better understanding of market dynamics, to update market conventions and regulations, develop new instruments, and improve central bank operations to increase market efficiency and price discovery. To complement regular TA within this area, this workshop will provide for both theoretical fundamental knowledge and practical skills training. This workshop’s intensive program will provide for close to real-life simulations of trade in a foreign exchange market environment. It is tailored to central banks and deals extensively with market conventions, role of central banks in the foreign exchange markets, and forward transactions. The workshop will have several sessions with foreign exchange market simulation exercises which are carried out on an electronic trading platform. The participants will trade with each other while market news come in. In addition, the workshop will include sessions on interbank market conventions, swap and forward instruments, characteristics of forward markets, trading platforms - features for swaps, and methods for trading. This program is delivered by ACI Australia, which has a long experience in this type of FX market simulation courses. More information about ACI and the dealing simulations can be found at: Language requirements: The course will be conducted in English and good working knowledge of English is required As the event is held jointly with AFRITAC West 2 and East AFRITAC it will provide an excellent forum for experts from Eastern, Southern and Western African central banks to exchange experiences.International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS)
03/19/2018 - 03/23/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
This seminar is designed for mid- to senior-level officials in central banks and bank supervisory agencies directly responsible for prudential regulation, on-site and off-site supervision of banks. The seminar will be held in Mauritius, during March 19-23, 2018. IFRS has been adopted in most countries in the region and the implementation of IFRS 9 from January 2018 is expected to usher in a paradigm shift, in the manner in which financial institutions classify, measure, and account for impairment of financial instruments. Intricately connected to IFRS 9 are two other accounting standards, IFRS 7 (Financial Instruments: Disclosure) and IFRS 13 (Fair value measurement of financial instruments). The goal of the seminar is to enhance the ability of prudential regulators and bank supervisors/examiners to understand the implementation challenges of IFRS with specific focus on these standards. The seminar is designed to expose officials to the underlying concepts of these standards and equip them with the tools and techniques for conducting supervision of banks/financial institutions under the new framework in the most effective way. A key objective will be to raise awareness of the inter-linkages among these standards and implementation challenges. After completing the seminar, officials will gain insight into the implications of IFRS 9 on credit risk models and blend the IFRS 9 requirements with existing methods and models used for risk and regulatory purpose. The seminar will help prepare participants for an efficient transition to IFRS 9 and design supervisory frameworks appropriate for their jurisdictions. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and learn the following: Critical aspects of IFRS 7, IFRS 9, and IFRS 13 Classification and Measurement and Impairment of Financial Instruments under IAS 39 & IFRS 9 Asset classification & Provisioning -Regulatory Approach Disclosure requirements of IFRS 7 Fair Value Accounting -IFRS 13 BCBS guidance on accounting for Expected Losses Transition arrangements of IFRS 9 Implementation issues in IFRS 9 Country experiences. Presentation by participantsLeading a Revenue Administration
03/19/2018 - 03/23/2018 Zambia
This is a high-level Seminar for heads of revenue administrations and heads responsible for planning, modernization and corporate performance monitoring and evaluation. The purpose of the seminar is to create a platform for senior executives to discuss and share experiences in effective practices for enhancing performance of the revenue authorities on their mandate. The seminar will cover good practices for leading a revenue administration reform agenda covering strategy development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of outcomes for a revenue authority. Key tools and practices for supporting an effective reform implementation in a revenue administration like performance management, change management, and managing risk shall be covered. In addition, management assurance programs as a tool for ensuring accountability, transparency and consistency in the role of management shall be discussed. The seminar shall also provide an opportunity for networking among the senior executives and peer learning on experiences from their respective countries. An overview of the following tools and their role in supporting strategy execution shall be provided. Revenue Administration Fiscal Information Tool (RA-FIT), also referred to as the International Survey on Revenue Administrations (ISORA); Results Based Management (RBM) framework; and Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT).International Survey on Revenue Administration (ISORA) and Managing Performance
03/12/2018 - 03/16/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
Revenue administrations are responsible for administering revenue laws and collecting revenue. They also have to provide advice to Ministries of Finance to help in the analysis of tax policy. To be effective and efficient in managing their performance on influencing compliance, and in meeting their external reporting requirements, revenue administrations need data. They need to base decisions on good information and intelligence, derived from analysis of quality data. In response to this need, the IMF’s Regional Technical Assistance Center for Southern Africa (AFRITAC South) will jointly host a Seminar on the International Survey on Revenue Administration (ISORA) and Managing Performance in a tax administration with AFRITAC East (AFE) and AFRITAC West 2 (AFW2). The program is sponsored jointly by the regional technical assistance centers (RTAC) and the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD). It is designed for coordinators of the ISORA for Tax administration. The 5-day seminar will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa at the OR Tambo International Airport Intercontinental Hotel, during the week February 26- March 2, 2018. The purpose of the seminar is to discuss the importance of performance management in enabling tax administrations to be effective and efficient. It will focus on the role of the ISORA in enhancing the effectiveness of performance measurement through providing revenue administration management with relevant information for control and decision making.Fiscal Policy Analysis
02/26/2018 - 03/09/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
This course, presented by the IMF's Institute for Capacity Development, aims at providing an overview of the key fiscal policy concepts and techniques used to analyze how fiscal policy can help ensure macroeconomic stability and sustainable long-term growth. This hands-on course is built around core macro-fiscal topics needed to analyze fiscal policy. Units will be substantiated by general empirical findings, Excel-based workshops, case studies, and selected topics of regional interest. The course will be of interest to officials who wish to gain a broad understanding of the impact of fiscal policy on the economy and related tools of analysis. Course objectives: Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: - discuss the role of fiscal policy in attaining the key objectives of the government’s macroeconomic stability, equity and efficiency, and sustainable long-term growth; and - use the relevant tools and techniques to assess the fiscal stance, fiscal multipliers, and debt sustainability. The course will also review the key elements of tax and expenditure policy: concepts and best practices.Compiling Producer Price Indices
02/19/2018 - 02/23/2018 Ebene, Mauritius
The main objective is to strengthen the participants’ knowledge of price index concepts and methods. The focus will be on specific data sources and compilation procedures. This five-day seminar will focus on specific issues and challenges relating to the implementation of international standards and best practices regarding the compilation of price indices. Topics will include general price indices issues, challenges, and problems such as developing/updating weights, selecting samples, quality adjustment issues, pricing difficult items, and others. Participants will be invited to list specific questions, topics, issues which will be discussed during the seminar. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel is requiredManaging Macroeconomic Statistics
02/01/2018 - 02/02/2018 South Africa
The following topics will be covered: • roles and responsibilities of a national statistical office; • demand for statistics for policy formulation; • statistical leadership; • statistical standards; • dissemination of data and metadata; • data quality; • development of practical strategies; • the IMF’s Results-Based Management Framework.
Compilation of National Accounts
12/04/2017 - 12/08/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
The main objective is to strengthen knowledge of the national accounts concepts and methods. The seminar will consist of lectures and workshop sessions covering methodological and compilation issues based on the 2008 System of National Accounts. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel is required.Modernizing the Legal Framework in Compliance with the CPSS-IOSCO Principles ...
11/27/2017 - 12/01/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
The financial market infrastructures (FMIs) are generally sophisticated multilateral systems that handle significant transaction volumes and sizable monetary values. These systems are used for the purposes of clearing, settling, or recording payments, securities, derivatives, or other financial transactions. FMIs allow participants to manage their risks more effectively and efficiently, and, in some instances, reduce or eliminate certain risks. Some are critical to helping central banks conduct monetary policy and maintain financial stability. By performing centralized activities, however, FMIs concentrate risks and create interdependencies between and among FMIs and participating institutions.Macroprudential Approach to Supervision and Managing Systemic Risk
10/30/2017 - 11/03/2017 SARB Academy,Pretoria,South Africa
While many countries in the southern African region are implementing select elements of the Basel III Capital Adequacy Standard, there are policy and strategic demands on a number of them to complete implementation of Basel II and adopt some of the elements of Basel III. Further, several countries in the region are adopting a macroprudential approach to supervision and putting in place macroprudential regulations. In addition, many central banks in the region are setting up financial stability frameworks, which have a macroprudential dimension. With the increasing adoption of macroprudential tools as part of regulatory frameworks, the focus has now shifted to the implementation of these tools. This seminar will highlight practical implementation issues of interest to practitioners and policymakers. Particular emphasis will be put on discussing and drawing lessons from the experience of authorities around the world in implementing various elements of the macroprudential toolbox. The primary goal of the seminar is to make the participants aware of the inter-linkages, overlaps and similarities amongst these standards and frameworks. Aided by this awareness, officials will be better equipped to design supervisory frameworks appropriate for their jurisdictions. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss and learn the following: - microprudential and macroprudential supervision: concepts, history, and current thinking - Basel II and Basel III: evolution of the supervisory reform agenda - designing macroprudential tools – conceptual aspects and governance arrangements - the buffers in Basel III - countercyclical toolkit and recent experiences - leverage requirement in Basel III - capital requirement for systemically important banks under Basel III and Supervisory review Process (SRP) for systemically important banks under Pillar 2 of Basel II - liquidity requirement under Basel III and liquidity risk assessment under Pillar 2 of Basel II - microprudential stress testing under Basel II and macroprudential stress testing: concepts and case studies - risk-based supervision (RBS), Pillar 2 of Basel II and macroprudential approach to supervision in Basel III - presentation by participants of country experiences The seminar will require close interaction among the participants, with the resource persons guiding the interactions. Participants from select countries will be asked to make presentations on their country experiences. Presentations will be made by international experts, including from IMF headquarters. Participants are expected review the reading materials on the list of references. This course will be conducted in collaboration with the South African Reserve Bank’s Academy.Prevention and Management of Government Expenditure Arrears: Theory & Practices
10/30/2017 - 11/03/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
The accumulation of government expenditure arrears is one of the biggest challenges in public financial management (PFM). A recent survey of 121 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments revealed that in only 31 percent of countries was the stock of central government arrears less than 2 percent of total central government expenditure. In almost 20 percent of countries it was more than 10 percent; in 22 percent it was between 2 and 10 percent; and in 28 percent the information was not available demonstrating lack of both adequate reporting and control. AFS countries are also concerned by this issue. The accumulation of expenditure arrears by governments can have a serious negative effect on the economy: a large flow of arrears may disguise the true size of the government deficit, significantly reduce the impact of fiscal policy on aggregate demand, and potentially undermine macroeconomic stability. Government expenditure arrears are financial obligations that have been incurred by any level of the public sector for which payments have not been made by the due date. Payments may be overdue based on a legal obligation (such as payment of social security benefits, or salaries), a specific contractual commitment (such as payment for construction of a road), or a continuing service arrangement (such as payment for electricity supply). The value of expenditure arrears constitutes the amount of the original overdue payment, as well as any interest or financial penalties that the government might accrue (and not pay) as a result. Persistent expenditure arrears are typically a symptom of underlying weaknesses in a country’s PFM system. Expenditure arrears can be the result of failures at any or all stages of the PFM cycle, including: an inadequate legal framework; unrealistic budgeting; weak or cumbersome commitment or expenditure controls; inefficient cash management; lack of or problems with the integrity and functionality of the financial management information system (FMIS); or gaps in fiscal reporting. Another reason that expenditure arrears can accumulate is that governments are not aware of them. The most effective approach to dealing with expenditure arrears, therefore, depends on their underlying causes and usually requires concerted action in a number of PFM areas.Intelligence and Investigation in Customs
09/25/2017 - 10/06/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
The seminar will provide a forum for discussion to explore the challenges to Customs intelligence and investigation programs and build capacity of the participants by looking at: - the systematic collection and processing of intelligence information; - the various components involved in the gathering, evaluation, collation, analysis and dissemination of information; - the principles and procedures associated with the investigation of customs and fraud offences; and - an investigation (case study) from the point of referral through to the end of the civil assessment and/or prosecution in court.