Welcome to AFRITAC South

AFRITAC South (AFS) forms part of the 17 regional technical assistance centers  of the International Monetary Fund to provide capacity development (CD) support mostly to finance ministries, central banks, revenue authorities, and statistics agencies. AFS is guided by a Steering Committees (SC) comprising of representatives of member countries, development partners, and the IMF which provide strategic guidance on CD priorities for the region. The Center continues to expand and diversify CD services to better accommodate the changing needs of the region.

In collaboration with IMF’s CD Departments, Africa Training Institute, and AFRITACs AFS provides tailored technical assistance (TA), training and peer learning opportunities to member countries in the following core areas:

  • Public Financial Management (PFM)
  • Tax Administration (TADM)
  • Customs Administration (CADM)
  • Banking Supervision and Regulation (BSR)
  • Monetary Policy and FX Market Operations (MFXMO)
  • Financial Market Infrastructure and Fintech (FMIF)
  • Financial and Fiscal Law (FFL)
  • Real Sector Statistics (RSS)
  • Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics (GFS/PSDS)
  • Macroeconomic Training (ICD TRN)

Note: The Center also coordinates closely with the IMF HQ in the provision of CD to the region in other areas (climate, digitalization, AML/CFT, governance and anti-corruption, debt management, financial sector stability, and gender) through other funding vehicles.

Fundraising remains key for sustaining CD services for members to make progress on targeted CD results. The European Union, the People’s Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and Germany have signed financing agreement for the AFS Phase III (FY24-28) Program.


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The Steering Committee (SC) of the International Monetary Fund’s Regional Technical Assistance Center for Southern Africa (AFRITAC South) met virtually, on December 12, 2024, under the Chairpersonship of Hon. Rindra Hasimbelo Rabarinirinarison, Minister of Economy and Finance of Madagascar.  Read more here.

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